
100%. Once our culture discovered the thrilling rush of endorphins that righteous indignation creates, we started circling the drain.

I thought it was a great game. People shit on it for being linear or whatever but not every game is (or should be) an open-world sandbox. They told a neat story with fascinating worldbuilding and interesting characters. I really wish it had become a franchise. 

Woof, Assassin’s Creed III over . . . any other Assassin’s Creed is a big nope for me. I suppose it beats Unity just because it’s actually a game that works. 

Right? I was like “Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood” is free?!

This is a very well-written article, and I don’t disagree with the article itself on any particular point. However, there is a flaw with the premise: not all stories are descriptive.

Probably the opposite. It’s designed to put “by force” and “by fear” into the same category of seriousness. 

Yeah, I understand that companies basically are “forced” to protect their copyrights, and that’s a lot of this is my guess.

Yeah I could give a fuck about Board Gaming’s stance on . . . anything, really. Anything at all. 

Great article, loved the central metaphor.

Perhaps, but I also think they would probably see it as offensive that I would even ask after all these years. Like I’m trying to turn our friendship into some kind of white guilt seminar so I’ll feel like a cool enlightened person. I think we all kind of respect that it was never a thing for us.

Yeah, I love my Switch, but as an owner you have to be really judicious about what you get.

I grew up in a progressive state in the middle of the PC ‘90s and I can tell you I grew up pretty colorblind. Or at least, color-non-significant-sighted. Which is a horrible sentence, I apologize.

Battery life: 17 seconds. 

They lost WWII together, they both suffered from a kind of “global culture shaming” after the war, they both transformed into economic powerhouses. Both countries are synonymous with “weird sex stuff.” The two countries have a lot in common, I imagine, I could see an almost camaraderie there, even if it can seem a

I’ve tried so many times. I’m probably the exact target audience for this article. But maybe it’s just a culture difference, but so many things about anime turn me off.

Same. I never got through New Vegas because it was too janky. But I’d love to be able to finally check it out when this project is finished. 

I think we’re all still waiting on Anthem 1.0

Pretty easy to have trigger discipline when you don’t have fingers, I guess.

I played it on PS3, and I wouldn’t really feel comfortable buying it a second time on current gen hardware. But if it’s free I’ll take a gander.

I enjoyed it, the backstabbing and the heists and the world are just very well done. But yeah, the characters are rough. I liked Franklin, and I tended to play him as a decent guy. Michael could be grating but endearing in an early ‘90s sitcom kind of way. Trevor was unctuous, I hated every second playing that tool.