
Gwen, thanks for the info that "Superstar" is up on Youtube now. It scarred me for life when I somehow saw it as a very small child—-there's just something ineffably creepy and surrealistic about the tone Haynes achieves in it (and in Safe, and never since). I got about five seconds into that Youtube video before

As a fan of all Stephen King except for The Dark Tower series, who hates the way he's retconned many of his classics into being about Dark Tower bullshit, "I can’t help but appreciate the stupid" is the best pro-Dark Tower argument I've ever heard.

I don't remember, but probably.

1. Homer as the voice of Poochie. Wouldn't they have hired a professional actor?
2. Roger Meyers says "proactive". The writer calls it a stupid buzzword. Three seconds later, Krusty says it again. Couldn't these lazy writers have come up with

Please refrain from tasting the knob.

Why does Ross, the worst friend, not simply eat the other five?

But she wasn't Rachem!

I hate that the argument got Flanderized into "were they on a break or weren't they?" They obviously were. The issue is, if his commitment to Rachel is so shallow that he's ready to run off and sleep with someone else a few hours after they break up, why should she want to get back together?

Like a lot of the worst dialogue, that was heavily used in ads for the show, and we were meant to think they were talking about the intensity of their feelings for each other. Then it turned out they were talking about Cujo, as we all are at some point during the day.

I love that bit, that she doesn't seem to understand that the dog has rabies.

Yup, seems like what former Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante would be doing with his weekend in 2017.

Agreed, that's one of my least favourite lines ever. Aniston does a good job selling it as Rachel not being stupid, but being upset that Ross made a list and being petty…but still.

Kathy Griffin probably does. After that Trump thing, it's not like her career will beheaded toward anything else.

Batman's a scientist!

Hot take: Drew Sharp had it coming. You get mixed up in a criminal enterprise by waving at Todd, you have only yourself to blame for the consequences.

That's what's great about the joke, though. As soon as you start disputing which of the Friends COULD eat which of the Friends, you're accepting the premise that the largest Friend SHOULD simply eat the other five.

In which Phoebe's prediction comes true and Ross becomes a crazy, jealous sycophant.

That's bad!

I've watched the first half of Pet Sematary a hundred times, and not cared for it, because Dale Midkiff etc. And I've always thought Zelda was the least scary part of the book—-like, she's a kid who's sick! Have some empathy!

Here's good news for Homer Simpsoy!