
I actually loved those episodes, especially Pickle Rick who basically shows you how flawed Rick is, I think that is one of the reasons why people dont like it. All the episodes of this season where good, but not all of them are going to be on the same level as The Ricktlantis Mix up

That happened to Undertale and Steven Universe

We are never going to have more surprises thanks to data mining isn’t it, I guess that is why companies dont try anymore

Undertale is one of my favorite games ever, but it has a curse, it was cursed by this toxic loud minority that will ruin the game for everyone if you dont play the game “the correct way”. I was baffled as of where these people came from. I recently discovered these people originated in the Homestuck fan base, so these

Is the name of the project, hopefully they will choose a better name

The YouTubers defending PewDiePie are nuts, that guy will end the golden age of YouTube. Just by the fact that they forced an studio to take legal action against him in order to stop him to not play the game. If those guys win (and they have a huge chance thanks to PewDiePie racial slurs), it will set a precedent and

Tokyo Mirage Sessions, you lost me, I have never felt such a waste of potential in a game. Is not a crossover between the franchises, is a new franchise that takes cosmetic elements from the latest fire emblem game and Persona 4. The game tanked so hard, it assured we wouldn’t see a crossover of SMT, so it for me it

I liked most of the bosses, loved 3 specific ones, there was just one I hated, the octopus one, because of the arena it takes place, if you get hit once bye to your rings, it effectively requires to you to beat the boss in under 3 hits. It also has one insta kill attack. It does become a cake if you manage to fight

I tough he was on hiatus already, lucky me

I knew SEGA would find a way to fuck up Mania somehow even tough is the best Sonic game in a decade

Xenogears, except not only they remake the game, but they also completed it. In an interview the director said they basically had to rush it, and they left the final act as an narrated epilogue

“Her”, I guess if is annoying it must be a woman

He is going to say it was an accident, and walk away free, I guarantee it.

Has anyone played it, what is the probability that it will suck

Shovels have been use as weapons in history, they are easy to conceal as just regular tools. So Shovel Knight has a point

They are actually, the director of P5 is making a brand new IP, this is P studio, who was created to make Persona games and spin offs

So she is basically Tifa

A thousand times this, come from a religious country, and you know how many criminals used this excuse, and monsters as well (have you heard about the Monster of the Andes, he used it, and well just google it, he is the only person where I can see why the death penalty may not be so bad to have), again I am not

Part of me want to believe on him, but another other part, the part based on experience thinks the community should be cautiously optimistic, is the part where he says he found religion that got me, you know how many people I have seen that use that as a excuse when somebody points out their bad/monstrous behavior in

I am sorry, is that Catherine out there, like the ATLUS Catherine, the puzzle game, seen everything now