
FF 12 is one of my favorite games ever, but man Vaan is such an awful protagonist. 

What do you mean retconing Serena

Look at Misty, she was basically her own person, they cant have that, the girl has to be a role model for little girls, you know submissive, something that Misty is not. As for Brook, he is yo much of a casanova for a children show

This is the TV series basically telling anyone who followed the indigo league as a child to fuck off, the tv series is not for them anymore, and I kind if agree. Ash will be forever 10 years old who will always fail to make other people look cooler

I dont know man he is genuinely good at video games, and he has had multiple records, not only on Kong. Donald basically inherited everything from daddy

He read the screen play, cus he needed to approve it.

But this is a console not a PC, at that price point might as well get one (PC)

Real questions, would this make Nintendo money?

Okay people lets be real, Nintendo never intended for Smash Bros to be a legit fighting game, it was and still is supposed to be a party game.However they never expected that the core mechanics where robust enough to create a skill based game-play when the randomness was eliminated (items, power ups, stages, etc).

Pluto is not really about Astro Boy, in that story Astro Boy basically saves the day at the last moment, but the story is about Gesitch, I hope they dont forget that in the adaptation

I will say it again the art direction of the Marvel VS Capcom infinite is awful. Because they want to cash in in the Marvel Cinematic Universe they went for a design that is similar to the cinematic universe, and it looks awful, they all look like cosplayers from a shitty mobile phone. Capcom is dropping the ball in

No expectations on this, is basically their Destiny killer, so you know pay to fee


I love the mechanic that your character can die, but then his off spring takes the mantle

Well is not what we like, is what Japanese like, also you are just judging their industry based on their blockbusters, which is wrong

Part 1 and Part 2 is about hunky men dressed in high fashion outfits beating the crap out of each other, Part 3 onward is about stands, that basically are Personas with really specific and broken abilities. The movie skipped right to part 4

Way to drop the ball on this, guess I dont need a Switch

Sorry but I dont have any faith whatsoever in Square Enix, at this point I think CyberConnect 2 would do a better job, because they will actually will be able to finish the game. Somewhere along the way Square forgot how to finish a game, they can have all sort of talents on their studios, but they dont know how to

No the game-play is solid, If I where to explain it is like God Of War was mixed with NiNo Kuni, the art is so amazing, and I have never seen that kind of interpretation for the old testament.

They dont hate western games, see a list of the best selling games over there and you see GTA, Rainbox Six topping charts, they reason you dont see Mortal Kombat there is that Eastern audiences dont like gore as much as we do, most games made here are geared toward western audiences, that is why they dont play our