More like “essential to Trump’s re-election.”
More like “essential to Trump’s re-election.”
The WH Press Pool should be dismantled outright at this point. Trump has proven that they an’t shit and will always value their ‘access’ before holding Trump and his crew to account.
Boris is evil like Trump but considerably smarter than him. Trump is a nightmare patient for doctors and could be the agent of his own demise by ignoring medical advice.
Not gonna lie, I don’t get the whole sneaker heads thing. I just have one decent pair of cons, and some boots and I’m good.
I was all excited until my wife reminded me that England’s own Trump, Boris Fucking Johnson, survived. Still hoping, though.
Absolutely, and I’ll bet that asshole was already infected before they announced it. They just couldn’t downplay it any longer.
I keep telling myself this will all be over soon and we will never have to hear from any of these despicable again and then I remember there are 62 million white voters that would gladly sign up for four more years of this shit just to “own the libs.” The media is now mad at her since she infected two of them. Oh nice…
Seriously. I can’t be any more on the edge of my seat.
“Essential worker” oh hell no you are not! Nobody except fascists in the WH and WH reporters need her at all.
I wonder about how many aren’t on the list who do have it. I mean people who aren’t big names like the 3 journos and unnamed “white house staffer”. I bet there have been secret service and household staff, etc. who have quietly tested positive as well and we’re not hearing about them.
These diseased fascists have to stop teasing us and die already. It might be the only way for the seriousness of this plague to finally register on the willfully ignorant of the trumpworld minority.
She’ll be Zoom calling. Let’s hope her internet service is trash.
Oh no! We won’t get to hear her shred the truth for 10 - 14 days? Bummer.
It’s so... on brand that this motherfucker would piss and moan about how unfairly he has been treated after he took part in a botched raid that got an innocent person killed.
This is unabomber manifesto level of lunacy.
“This is not an us against society, but it is good versus evil,” this enormous blue ass hole continued. “We are sons, daughters, husbands, wives, part[n]ers, brothers, sisters, dads and moms. We are human beings with flaws, feelings and emotions.”
Exactly, he’s playing to the twitter mob of unfuckable hate nerds that worship Joe Rogan and Clay Travis
I bet he has never slept with a black woman, so at least they are safe.
My takeaway: he’s talking shit about two women he knows wouldn’t fuck him...