
Isn’t making a false statement in a criminal complaint considered a form of perjury in New York, and potentially of use in appeal or petitioning to have a conviction vacated?

Just a shame he is asymptomatic

Shee-it, people are still tryin’ to figure out why that gym and pool were still open.

Just a shame he is asymptomatic, instead of experiencing a nice array of pain. I guess he is another one of them whom not even Satan will take a second before they have to.

Fuck “libertarian” Rand Paul. If he were as sincere as he is cruel, he would surrender his government provided, socialist health care. The sad thing is, he’s probably going to survive because he and people like him get that socialist health care that they keep for themselves and deny the rest of us.

If/when we have a functioning government again, someone should investigate how Randy got his test. He’s admitted to being asymptomatic, how come he was able to get tested (and get his results) while thousands of Americans with all the symptoms of the disease are told to self-quarantine because there aren’t enough

His neighbor is going to have to wear gloves and a mask while beating his ass.

Not gonna lie, at the rest of sounding like a cold-hearted bastard... I laughed when I heard this.

Smile, Kyle! Smile, motherfucker.  You’re on candid camera.

Federal crime. Oh wait.. this is Trump’s admin.

Asking any police department to monitor their own and penalize the guilty accordingly is a waste of time because that requires integrity - something most police forces lack. They ain’t gonna do nothing. Eventually, civilians will make the decision which cop stays and which one goes.

Caught by his own body cam

That cop should’ve been stripped of his badge after the first time he was caught planting evidence.

Staten Island, New York’s little Alabama.

Three GOP and a D (Feinstein) have had their shenanigans uncorked because of this so far. All of them are claiming that it was coincidence and they didn’t know or wasn’t in the loop, of course.

This is a clear example of insider trading, too.

I was put into twitter jail for seven days for saying this exact thing...except I suggested the whole republican party.

They’ve caught another one

Turns out there’s more than one