
Serena is the GBFFOAT.

The Great Orange One allows us to exist in his MSG covered kingdom. All hail the lazy signer of unread executive orders.

Can any MAGA hat wearing chudmonkey, dumbfuck tell me what that putrid bag of flab has done for black Americans? Oh don’t you dare mention the economy since that dunderheaded, triple chinned moron can take no credit for it since he has done nothing to improve wages. It is a credit to Barack that he left such a strong

Harry is the red-headed (google how the English feel about redheads) outcast of the family; when he emerged from the womb, many speculated that he was sired by James Hewitt so his legitimacy was always questioned. His princely father pointedly ignored his wife and kept a mistress as an open secret WHILE failing to

To my thinking there’s not gonna be a great ending to this story. The Royal family represents peak whiteness and it’s potency beyond UK borders. Canada nor the USA will provide a respite for Harry & Meghan, and I see the stress from this fallout as eventually destroying their relationship. If Princess Diana, who was

They are already crying in their beer over it.  For those who claim to love America they should read Brown vs Board of Education.  Oh wait that’s right they don’t read they just hate.

Fuck Gardendale.

I pretty much consider the entire bible belt an extension of Florida.

Anything too large in proportion to the calculated damages will swiftly get overturned on appeal.

Haikala pointed to messages on social media...

Should have added a few zeros. The bigots are going to bigot and cry white tears over the ruling, then likely continue to bigot until they are bankrupt or ordered via physical force to cut that shit out, so hell why not go whole hog?

At least Jlo knew the words. And can put on a good show.

It’s a gel -- called SuperGlue.

Well, if she stopped talking for the rest of the show, people might forget that she, John McCain’s daughter, is the daughter of John McCain.

“I won’t talk the rest of the show,” Meghan murmured, McCainly.

George Zimmerman will continue to try to monetize his murder of Trayvon Martin until he is dead.

After we use that cop’s legs to kick his own ass.

Maybe we can hogtie him and kick the shit out of him instead. 

How many other people she just convicted of murder has she hugged?

says hugging Guyger after the trial was the “Christian” thing to do.