
Hard Pass

You can’t just cherry pick a few lines and re-state them with no context. I could literally take your post and craft the following statement: “[W]estern men secretly want to [have intercourse] with muslims.”

It conveys the fact that there is no fixing it. There’s just people stomping around and shaking their fists and wanting to do something even if that something is pissing into a 30 MPH headwind.

They’re doing it seemingly arbitrarily and blatantly inconsistently here, but what do you think the best solution is for determining eligibility for women’s sports? It’s gotta be something that’s measurable, right?

It’s really astonishing the lengths that this site will go to make sure they’re constantly adhering to the most orthodox viewpoints. Are there people who actually enjoy content like this? It doesn’t even attempt to look at the issue from anywhere other than a predetermined position.

I think if you are willing to approach this subject honestly, it should be obvious that a line must be drawn somewhere. If not, the logic eventually leads to acceptance of a single “open” division between the sexes, effectively extinguishing women’s athletics.

You know most of his actual work in the field of psychology has very little, if nothing to do with Jung, right? I’m sure your interpretation of Jung is far superior to his, so how bout informing me what he gets wrong?

Im writing on my phone, on a message board, on the internet. The only people who give a shit are grammar nazis and people who cant actually argue with other people points.

What is far right about them?

Peterson has stated many times that he would call a trans person by their preferred pronoun, he was just against the idea of being compelled by the government to do so, under threat of law.

Thanks for further proving my point.

“Peterson couches his messages in Jungian archetypes and references to classic literature, but at the end of the day it’s just more anti-“snowflake” posturing that “explains the world” in a manner satisfying and reassuring to aggrieved young men”

I almost wish this was true. Not because I care what Ye says about Trump but because I love that some people are losing their shit over what he says about Trump. I love that it’s making people have to decide what they care about.

So stop it once it’s clear there’s going to be a rules-violating altercation, not because you think the move is “punk” or a violation of etiquette. Ump didn’t need to get involved here. God forbid baseball has some on-field flair.

She refused to wear the green ring lest she be transported to the Black Lodge.

I still prefer Millie Whitney Houston, but that’s my prerogative

Its great he’s got you fooled with his patronizing public liberalism but the guy is a complete jerk. But he’s successful and that’s often what it takes, so I admire him. But let’s not wade into “national treasure” waters because he BTFO’d the cheetoman to the delight of blogs.

Now playing

Haha, that’s fair. My fault for not posting the source material—the original song does have the sort of sing-songy rhythm associated with ‘80s rap (and the most famous version is sung by a white guy):

No, people should take sledgehammers to their Keurigs because they’re the coffee version of Juiceros. Enjoy coffee the way your ancestors did: Pour a cup and dump a bunch of International Delight in it.

That means you weren’t watching Happy Endings when it was on and a bunch of other people, which is sadly why we can’t have nice things.