
Its great he’s got you fooled with his patronizing public liberalism but the guy is a complete jerk. But he’s successful and that’s often what it takes, so I admire him. But let’s not wade into “national treasure” waters because he BTFO’d the cheetoman to the delight of blogs.

Now playing

Haha, that’s fair. My fault for not posting the source material—the original song does have the sort of sing-songy rhythm associated with ‘80s rap (and the most famous version is sung by a white guy):

No, people should take sledgehammers to their Keurigs because they’re the coffee version of Juiceros. Enjoy coffee the way your ancestors did: Pour a cup and dump a bunch of International Delight in it.

That means you weren’t watching Happy Endings when it was on and a bunch of other people, which is sadly why we can’t have nice things.

This argument was supposedly over Bayatpour “ridiculing” Jordan’s fiancée Madeline Anderson, who also works with Bayatpour at WITI.

Let’s face it, Hotline Bling went viral because both the song and that dance are so laughably bad that it was almost impossible not to make fun of in a million different ways...

Almost as much as I go to their sports site to be bombarded with stories about guys playing video games. You have a site for that, leave it there.

Was the stranger not that attractive or something?

Or we could just move you to the border. Your snarky repartee will turn away more immigrants than any wall.

Can’t even come to read car articles without people like you existing.

man apparently alanis hasnt seen this otherwise shed be in a tizzy over these women wanting to objectify themselves

this post needs more stars.

They actually did, and they were all fairly angry that they were out of apparently a well paying job to please the PC police.

This. It’s a job to them. They wouldn’t be up there if they didn’t want to be, and obviously if you’re pretty enough to get a gig like this you probably want said gig or you wouldn’t do it.

i sure as shit know alanis hasnt before spewing articles like these

Haven’t you heard? The only acceptable cultural standards worldwide are the ones defined by a vocal subset of ‘liberal’ college-educated 18-35 year olds that live in a handful of American cities.

Has anyone actually asked a “grid girl” or a group of “grid girls” how they feel? Objectification is easy to identify by a third party.

Yup it’s not ready. That’s exactly why they say you need to be paying attention not napping or drunk. Unfortunately while that means this is working just as well as they said it would it also means it’s a worthless gimic.

You have a puritanical definition of theft. I’ve entered into no agreement to receive more than I’ve requested.

Have you been to this family of sites lately? If you scanned down the first 10 pieces of any of them you would find like 3 sponsored stories, 3 for Amazon’s daily deals, and 4 for actual stories. That doesn’t even account for the 5 to 7 ads between those 10 pieces. These sites are ad revenue whores for their new pimp.