
Brakes. They really are a simple system and once you know how you can do them at home with good parts for 1/3 of what you would pay someone. Plus you know how to clean them each spring (if you live in the snow belt) to give them that like new feeling and keep them going strong. I love that nice, high, responsive brake

Lonzo’s being evaluated in the bright spotlight his dad turned on him and that he seems to be embracing (playing with Bow Wow, recording “music”). If he’s the second coming of Magic Johnson, then put up. Magic’s rookie numbers scorch him in every category on, admittedly, a team of All-Stars. However, the rookie

As someone who’s dedicated the last 10 years of their free time to whiskey and video games, I say bravo to her, and maybe stop being a dick about this.

Sad Max: Dusty Choads

Count yer lucky charms, I guess.

Seriously, pot, meet kettle. You guys all gave shitty suggestions, save for McParland. At least this one is known to be reliable and parts and plentiful. The last thing a drummer wants to deal with is head gaskets on a shit subaru, or trying to find parts for obscure foreign vehicles.

Pew Pew

Your shadow would look different. Honestly, not a big deal. I’m a woman and I don’t feel anything is missing from the game by not having the choice of playing a woman. Until I saw my shadow in game, the gender seemed ambiguous... The player doesn’t even speak other than some grunty type noises when in pain. I WAS

I am aware. I don’t believe that many people were swayed by Russian propaganda.

You do realize that just a few years prior, Hillary was over there with a big ass ‘symbolic’ reset button right? Why is it OK to accept donations from Russian Uranium investors and not OK to sell real estate to Russian rich dudes?

A stupid motherfucker, huh? Your reading comprehension skills are for fucking shit. My comment was limited to whether or not Russia tampered with votes, which to my knowledge has not been proven in any meaningful way. The rest of your assertion about my understanding of what is happening is a pure jerkoff fantasy of

So tolerant. And also filthy.

Maybe release the report next week instead?

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

The police didn’t “randomly” show up anywhere, they were acting on what they had to assume was a real report of a crime occurring. When the police receive a call like this they have to treat it as a 100% credible threat until they can prove 100% otherwise. It’s a “Boy who cried wolf” scenario, even if you get 100 fake

Not to be that guy, but didn’t Serena go all “fuck you, I’m not apologizing” after threatening to stuff a tennis ball down the throat of a line judge? I’m not carrying any water for Tennys, the racist tennis player, but maybe Serena doesn’t have the highest ground to stand on.

“When Serena calls you out, you should really listen.”

He has the right to be a hateful idiot and doesn’t owe anyone an apology for it.

I’m so happy H. Chung kicked his ass.

Oh look, people don’t like affluent tech companies that market themselves as important community platforms yet damage real communities.