
And you surely can’t be an ANTIFA apologist..I mean take a step back and think about the kind of person it makes you look like. Are there any positives to that image? What positive can possibly come of defending ANTIFA? I’m genuinely curious.

I’ll take Twitter seriously when they block Gizmodo’s twitter account.

I’m not American, I have a passport, and have no doubt I’m far more travelled than you. Otherwise you’d not make that sort of assumption.

That argument is because people try to argue the point based on American history, with no knowledge of the history of the culture they are criticizing. The point is if it isn’t your place to speak up, don’t. But most people here don’t get that and try to apply American rules and standards onto other cultures. It can

Where do you live?

I’m sure both of these men have a LOT of money they could use to help try to resolve the problems they participated in. Instead, they’re probably collecting speaking fees talking about the problems they created.

I’m so happy I stopped watching this show.

It’s also funny that these same people have bitched for years about the inevitable devaluation of fiat currency, and yet here we have a perfect example of inflation run amok and they’re all “Bubble? What bubble?”

Whatever, the science is irrelevant. They put the red light cameras in for revenue, not safety. The last thing they want is some busy body from Sweden pointing out something they already know and having the public get wind of it and ruin their scam. His “science” has been available on YouTube and the broader internet

I don’t believe for a second that YouTube doesn’t have the means to catch these videos LONG before the numbers reach what we’ve seen here. People like Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad, Dave Rubin and the like have their videos demonetized immediately (and, in my opinion, without good reason) while it takes a series of

No, you’re right, the reason people crash is because they didn’t desire to remain in control of their car. They just didn’t want it enough

Or incorporate it into a bike lock with which they hit people.

“cock of Apple” sounds like some crazy european dish to me

Hash algorithms? Great. The assaulter chooses to crop it, add a watermark, adjust the lighting, whatever, and boom - system bypassed.

So were supposed to now call the guy a scum bag for not engaging in what is obvious pandering to the military/conservatives?

Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.

Scumbag? I don’t think that is fair. He declined an award because he disagrees with the entity supplying it, as is his right.

I wish you all could see this for what it’s really about. The longer you keep Luck on IR, the more pain pills the Colts will justifiably be able to order. We need the NFL to step up and take inventory of what the Colts have. Lot# by Lot# they need to go through the receiving slips and record exactly when each pill was

Honestly good. I’m all for making EVs but why would I as a taxpayer be supplementing $8000 off Johnnys new tesla model 3? If Johnny wants a Model 3 he can full price for it!

I wish the left joy-con would grow up and stop being such a shitty self absorbed joy-con. It really is the worst.