
its not racist

It wasn’t a racist meme until HRC decided to drop everything and wage war against a cartoon frog, thus throwing the election in the most poorly run, expensive, and ineffectual campaigns in American history.

Once again not tech news and frankly not even that interesting. Gizmodo Fail!

He and his campaign were smart enough to beat Hillary and her campaign in the GE. That’s street smart.

I’m not making equivalencies between the men, I’m making equivalencies between the reaction to the men. The point is that people tend to exaggerate.

Leave it to the democrats to run somebody with a hard, immovable 53% disapproval rating and all the charisma of Joe Flacco.

Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.

Until you require them to vote and then people loose their minds.

Agreed that doing the whole “threading” thing is obnoxious. Where this goes off the rails (instantly) is making it the whole “mostly men” thing. That’s not my experience personally, there’s no substantiation whatsoever and it’s just gender-baiting for clicks.

“Today, a woman named Alana Hope Levinson, a “journalist” with around 30 readers, decided it was time for her to voice her concern that people are “ruining her experiences” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time)“


Sorry Alana, but you don’t have any more of a right

Poor Apple Fans. You don’t need to justify your purchase or future purchase.

What’s so wrong about “I really like this brand”?

Just go ahead and buy it. I like Starbucks. I like being a customer of Starbucks. I don’t care that the material worth of the cup of coffee is just a fraction of the price I paid for it. I just

Lemmings? Oh, the irony!

It’s tots porsh. tots.

Now playing

Also helpful (and my personal favorite) Lamborghini

Wow, he’s really grasping at straws isn’t he? He should just go out with some dignity.

So if MSU is “Little brother” and UM is “Big brother” wouldn’t that pretty much mean Ohio State is “Dad”, and dad has been beating the hell out of his oldest son almost non-stop for 16 years now?

All of the attention paid to Facebook on this is nonsense. My understanding of trending topics was always that it wasn’t cleaned up or censored for accuracy, it was just whatever people were talking about. If people were talking about a story about a flying spaghetti monster then that’s what would show up on trending

My year review didn’t include any of the Hillary email scandal posts. Amazing lack of appropriate review, tremendous liberal conspiracy. Sad!

Facebook doesn’t really care about elections. It doesn’t really care about you. It only cares about its own survival by raking in profits. This also goes for every other commercial enterprise out there.