
>but Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.

I have a feeling that Jost would not characterize what he’s saying in that way. This piece would be a lot more effective if it accurately represented the viewpoint it’s arguing against.

Tell me more about this science we thought we had a real handle on then found out we were wrong the whole time....

It’s this elitist attitude that landed you here in the first place. You guys can’t save yourselves from yourselves, even after you have had your ASS handed to you.

But sadly, 20-something bigots are protected, and I’m not talking about the right here.

The going rate for posts that promote 3 year old cell phones that are not available to buy anymore is 28 cents per comment. By my count you can now by 3 1st gen Moto G’s. Run ‘em in sequence, bro!

its not a “one trailer” thing. its the fact that if people dont’ keep themselves in check, then other people start doing inconciderate things because no one gives a fuck anymore. next thing you know, your street looks like some commercial neighborhood, and the value of your property is depreciated.

the kids on this site are ridiculous

there are a lot of things you CAN do, but because of common decency you shouldn’t. this is a guy who doesn’t give a fuck if what he does annoys other people, because he has the “right”. doesn’t m ake it illegal, just makes him an asshole

Uh huh. You over simplify the journalistic process drastically. Do they have a transparent vetting process? Do they have a code of ethics and standards? Do they have an editor to review their decision on EVERY news story that could be posted onto Facebook? That shit is really hard to do. That’s why you have well

Once again, libs try to take the paternalistic approach to others.

I’ve learned to check up on the sources of each news post that people post... unfortunately not everyone does it - on both sides.

There is clear fake, and there is a matter of opinion. We can verify is a certain event did or did not happen, but it’s a matter of opinion whether it was important, or how much influence did it have. Did Facebook influence elections? To some degree, absolutely, as everything did. Did it have great influence? Matter

News is media, just like anything else. Treating it as if it should be cosmic truth demands a degree of review that is impractical for the dissemination of knowledge in a timely manner.

So, media matters articles aren’t news right? What about Gawker-type blogs? Do they fit into your News-is-News paradigm? What about newspaper editorials?

Nothing to prove those Trumpkin conspiracy theorists wrong like an unaccountable group of liberal tech workers picking and choosing what news is “fake” on a major information sharing platform.

I didn’t say anything about religion. So, you “know the truth” about Hillary? Then you must agree with everything I said because its 100% true.

So you’re perfectly fine with Hillary committing treason and starting a nuclear war just to chase some payola. Got it.

Another CorrectTheRecord troll. There are no Foxnews death threat posts because any site with admins would delete content that would have the secret service demanding IP addresses. There’s no “blame” for Trump to deflect. You should be happy he won only because it prevented the corrupt dirty Hillary from getting into

With it happening “thousands of times”, it should be pretty easy to provide links to footage on Fox News where someone said they where going to kill Obama.

Mild? You’re a moron. Its always been a felony to threaten to kill the President. You Hillary supporters are becoming as scummy and sleazy as your failed candidate.