
70 years is a huge sample size.... if you are a hardcore Christian and believe the earth is only 2000 years old.

I’m pretty sure he would just file an insurance claim and state that it’s the cost of doing business near the coast.

It sounds like you think Fiers should have taken himself out of the game. Or intentionally walked him as to not further trigger Stanton’s fragile psyche.

The thought of the GMG staff having to follow “unpopular” editorial decisions against their will is warming my cockles.

So can we get an article on the real reason Univision (GMG) is losing so many employees? I read an article that said it’s because y’all suck.

“Lawful content”

Everyone should STFU because I needs my cheap and plentiful hardwares. And extra plurals, apparently.

Her last interview on the Drew and Mike podcast was very spilly. She even backed up Quincy!

Did you gif your own comment? Tha fuck?

Keep that Slack up! I’m sure it won’t have any effect on Univision’s decisions!

Ah, video games. Ruining pitchers since Joel Zumaya.

If they survive the Death Panels they can.

So all this handwringing about how the Lions should have known, and Deadspin showing how easy it was to find...

Something tells me this is just the tip of the iceberg. That this thing goes all the way to the top!

Cable News is propaganda. All of it. If you think you are getting unbiased reporting on anything, then you deserve what you get.

Only poors use contractions



Funny. Reading Gizmodo, I’d assume you were bought by an advertising company.

The comments on this are great. I learned something today from you folks. Apparently, backwards ass homophobe + love of all things Bernie = “Centrist”. Huh?!?