
Maybe a good RSS reader or a summary service that strips out the ads and verticals.

This. I didn’t know my ad blocker counter went to three digits! Plus, don’t most people come to Jalopnik for the cross promoted Jezebel stories? I know I do!

Thinking he may have meant public opinion wise.

Are we close to the tipping point where the stupid network and cable news shills outnumber normos? I think it’s close...

If judgement consists of Twitter and kinja hate, should anyone give a shit? Twitter and kinja are not reality.

Protesters lose hearts and minds of regular folk when they prevent you from doing the things you need to do.

“Of course I believe in you, Dewey. I just know you’re going to fail.”

Banks are usually up on risks. Not sure they would finance all that construction going on in Miami if they were at all concerned that the property would be uninhabitable. Just a thought.

The reality of the situation is this. Facebook and Zuck don’t give two shits about your data’s privacy, and never will. Zuck is only on tv to reassure advertisers that the situation is under control and their money is still a good investment. The concern for “dumb fucks” privacy totally secondary and purely theater.

You know th0se people that used to (still do) make jokes about Obama non stop. Like every waking moment in their lives had to be attached to how Obama was ruining the country?

VP will be calling you for an apology shortly.

Thats fair. I can accept that reason. Unfortunately that is never cited when discussing him.

No concession. Just because you are too obtuse to understand a retort doesn’t mean you get to XD your way out of it! That’s laughable!

So you were a big fan of atrocities and keeping them hidden. Right. Got it.

The downside to this method is people that believe this type of thing also don’t have ANY faith in the legacy media or Wikipedia. So who’s mind are you trying to change? Or is this just CYA mode?

It’s nice, Joe. Do you fear the four more or fear the fall beneath?

Most people are either in Dimension A or Dimension B. People need to learn to straddle.

Lol, don’t bring up wikileaks here. Everyone loved Assange when he was exposing horrors of Afghanistan and Iraq, but holy shit did things take a turn for his popularity when he released DNC emails.

Sir, you are the embodiment of stereotypical behavior. You just can’t see it...

This Paul kid is no Hogg, that’s for sure.