
So tolerant. And also filthy.

In an email to Jezebel, Smith said that the Pioneer Press did, in fact, send an intern to the press conference. However, other outlets that had covered the Femicide Report in the past, including MPR and the Star Tribune, were absent.

For sure, part of the problems we have in this country today, is people are firmly entrenched in either Universe A or Universe B. This world needs more straddlers.

As I just found out...

You tell em, Bojack! Fuck honeydew.

<—-Russian Conspiracy<——-Normal people——->Pizzagate—>

Coal sucks, but solar is not cheap (take away the subsidies), not clean (so much mining), and certainly not efficient. Unless you install them, you know, above the atmosphere.

Here’s your bubble....

Your bubble seems fun. So well engineered.

Curious, did you choose that apartment? If so, then I suppose internet choice was not high priority for you. If you were forced to live in that apartment, then that’s a whole other problem.

Lol, inform antifa of your knowledge.

I know. Trying to fight, uh, 100k in shitty ads is tough.

I know. People who think a different way than you got their shit together and it hurts you and you lash out. We used to call you a bigot.

I love how this topic is the only time it’s ok to be from those pesky flyover states. Those normally backwards morons (right?) want to try to elect a child molester and they don’t even have enough forethought to scare up a second ISP? Those people weren’t worth pissing on a few months ago, but now you’re concerned

I switched internet providers 3 times last year. So yeah.

Or you could pass net neutrality the way Obama wanted it, and you can leave it up to politicians to decide what constitutes “Legal content”. This is the main stopping point for net neutrality. So your scenario posits paying extra for favorite services. Mine posits those services being completely banned.

Strong support from people who don’t understand the situation. Sounds great!

Lol. The reason many do not want net neutrality as it was written, it that it gives the government the power to determine what is legal content. That will never happen.

This seems like lawsuit induced CYA.

If you read or listened to the news, then yes, you were misinformed. Hardly your fault nowadays.