The way you shit on that guy with a generalization of how you think people think, then shit on his mundane reply with hyperbole, really shows how smart a dipshit can be.
The way you shit on that guy with a generalization of how you think people think, then shit on his mundane reply with hyperbole, really shows how smart a dipshit can be.
People in a pool can drink draft beer through a straw. Man in full body cast who is very depressed can use a straw. I’m sure we could come up with more scenarios.
WTF are aliens going to tell you about this guy?
Ill go on record to say that this guy is a moron. I will also say that I bet someone said something to him along the lines of “get your ass off my flag”, or at least someone should have.
Look closely, without any bias, and tell me you cant see these people are larping, “white nationalists” and “antifa” alike.
Yes, and they are a statistically insignificant population. Without the media whipping you into a frenzy you wouldn’t even hear about it. You are their best messenger. Congratulations.
Ok, and how is this productive? Maybe you shouldn’t follow people that sub tweet hate.
I’m convinced that 90 percent of traffic to Nazi and white nationalist material is done by the media searching for it.
How rich, a comment on Kinja is questioning how snark works.
Elon doesn’t care what the government says about Tesla, as long as that sweet, sweet grant money and tax credits keep on coming.
Trump did not direct owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field”, he asked if owners ever felt like they wanted to “get that son of a bitch off the field” when they see it happen. There is a difference, and in the spirit of the Obama administration, Jay Carney in particular, remember that “words matter”.
Wow, I fell asleep and the TIGERS are in the ALDS? Wha Happen?
My dad also lost work because of Akeem’s protest. I’m very broken up about it.
Using power to silence your opposition is not a Right or Left thing. It’s a political thing, used by everyone.
How come you guys haven’t signed him?
So what does “High Confidence” mean to most? Asking for an Iraqi friend.
There sure are a lot of jealous motherfuckers here.
Good to know that had Hillary won, the opposite people in this argument would be racist. All politicians are racist, it’s in their nature to feel Superior to others. That was the point of electing a non-politician president. Maybe the next Democrat will be a non-politician, and have a chance with the middle. I doubt…
I would love for Vegas to string them along, then pull the plug at the last possible second.