
I support Trump because I don’t believe in a globalist world view. That’s it. Someone has enlightened you.

Thanks for Trump!

I get to leave this again!

Take those mysogynist “boy push ups” back to Hateamanistan.

This is it. Stop telling people they are stupid. That’s why you lost. So fucking condescending.

If the tweets stopped you’d have to import like 20 more stories a day from Jezebel! As if!

Please continue to live in the fallacy that all Repubs are rich and all Dems are poor. I love when people are too stupid to see why real people are glad for Trump. Drain the swamp means get rid of politicians whose life is centered around government and what it can do to enrich them. Here’s all you need to know...

So let me get this straight.

These peoples opinions are dumb.

Lol, that’s how Trump voters have felt all year. It’s like we all had to be on the DL or else lefties would try to get us fired.

It’s tots porsh. tots.

Ha! The purge already happened!

Planned Parenthood.

Good, now we don’t have to have that awkward conversation with you.

So pat34us is down with rape culture. Put it in the book!

Haha, you made them shut down r/pizzagate. You practically invited them here!

Hey, how about YOU go die in a hole somewhere already. We’ve been waiting, you know.

Well, the rumors will come right back when Colbert gets replaced by James Cordon.

All the stars here please

Trump Loss = “Accept the results!”