deepfried yoga

Repeating myself from yesterday:

I’m pretty sure she would have set him on fire if he touched one of those kids innapropriately.

He is 8 years older than Corey Haim, but Brad was still in school in Missouri when Lucas was being filmed.

He seems a little young given the timeframe. Also, her request to allow visitation would be odd if she uncovered his dealings in a pedophilia scandal.

hes too young for the time frame they were talking about

Isn’t Pitt too young for that to be him, though? I feel like he wasn’t a big enough star in the Eighties.

They’re probably “browbeating” you to vote Hillary because a Trump presidency is scary. This isn’t the year to vote third party.

Yeah it’s totally weird people are worried a racist, sexist, bigoted nutjob will become our president while value voters pat themselves on the back. I can’t imagine why anyone would come to that conclusion on their own. They must be brainwashed!

I got the rape/death threat combo. I deducted points for not calling me a whore first and/or adding any combination of stupid or “retarded” in his disjointed and misspelled bullshit.

Tried to explain the utter stupidity of this analogy to area Deplorables on Facebook, got a death threat. That really says it all.

Come thru Angel, honey!!!!

You mentioned the name Matc Jacobs. Countdown to the arrival of She Who Shall Not be Named in 3...2..1...

Is that the standard now? Not actual correctness, but whether “many people” think something is correct? Because if so, the moon landing was faked and irregardless is a word.


Yes the comment content in the thread really hurt Ann Coulter’s coverage in the headlines...smh

I want to take a moment for those who live outside of Minnesota to try and express How Very Seriously And Deeply the people here take the Wetterling case. I moved here in 2000, and it was mere weeks before it was explained to me that one left one’s porch light on for Jacob, and how his disappearance was a loss of

The longer you assume there is some kind of profound divide between yourself and those who procreate, the worse things will get for everyone.

Disappearing? It had to be somewhere first. 3% of workplaces (as stated in the linked article) is practicality nowhere.

You do realize you just basically wrote a spousal rape fantasy story on a feminist site right?