
Wow, you just won’t stop responding to what Jakopnik isn’t talking about, will you?


...and have a short blonde mother who drops her kids off, likes to tailgate, drive in the rain with no lights, and like to alternative +/-5mph every 20 seconds on the highway. We BMW drivers get a lot of shit, but RR drivers are by far the worst I’ve ever encountered for non-modified makes/models.

To emulate a new Range Rover in my neighborhood, it would have to speed and rarely use turn signals. It would also likely have to know how to evade taxes.

Isn’t the whole point of driverless/automated cars is that they DON’T drive like humans?

Insert photo of Total Recall triple tata woman.

Multiple TATAs sounds a little... Disturbing. I'd think two would be just fine.

“Tatas: They’re the tits.”

The Japanese are good at figuring out how to make things smaller.

Stealthy Kamikazes are bad news man

Texas sucks.