This has happened to me so many times.
This has happened to me so many times.
The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.
I’m gonna get up on my soapbox and I don’t care. My father is a retired Colonel in the Marine Corp who was a platoon leader in Vietnam in 1968 at 21 who lost 50 of the 100 men whose lives he was in charge of. He was head of security of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, four days after my mom walked out on him. He…
Just curious, and I’m aware this is very possibly a very stupid question.
the woman called ADT Security to have a system installed. During the installation, she went into her bedroom to get her cellphone, and the phone was gone.
And Trump is the definition of absolutely not because yuck.
he will bern
half-fermented bezoar
Obama is the definition of can not.
Oh, snap! I'm standing up in my living room cheering right now.
The Democrats are going to beat Trump so badly that he’s going to sue them for defamation after the election results.
What is wrong with this country? Why are we too stupid to stop handing out assault rifles and high capacity magazines as if there could possibly be a legitimate purpose for owning one? Why can’t we put a shock collar on Fox News as an entity and just zap them every time someone blames this on Obama? Why can’t we…
Hello, America’s Got Talent contestant John Hetlinger: I have just seen your excellent headbanging rendition of…
Also, he was convicted of 12 charges and only gets 18 years in jail for abusing those poor children??????
On a related note, here’s the most fucked up thing I’ve read in a long while. I’m reading Governor Bradford’s diary of the first twenty years of life in the Plymouth colony, and late in the book he relates one episode in which a teenage boy was caught sodomizing a farm animal. He eventually confessed to relations with…
Things like this scare the shit out of me. I’m 27 and so outta shape and people like him end up passing. How long do I have?