Your Love is Pimples

I met her and her then-husband as they perused my shop. Something about her always struck me as a bit off. It’s as his her husband needed to mind her constantly. I hope it wasn’t due to Weinstein’s behaviour.

This times 100. Thank you.

You Pakistanis have worse problems: The government tried to outlaw child bride/marriages in 2016 but the bill was defeated due to immense pressure from religious authorities. But please, let’s talk about how my white feminism is the problem.

Read my comment above. It’s that other religions don’t have headcoverings. It’s the type of mandate insituted in their religion, and the consequences if they don’t.

Educate yourself before throwing out shit like this.

Goddamnit, read the Quran. There is a punishment if they don’t. There is no punishment of hell in Judaism for not wearing a head covering. Allah is waaay less chillax about this shit than Yahweh.

Class over!

Holy fuck, that is bang-on

Yep, western feminists were reeaaal quiet when that shit in Cologne happened on NYE, but they put on their pussyhats for Trump as if it’s some revolutionary shit.

Low hanging fruit. Really courageous.

Actually, according to their scriptures, the mandate came from Allah himself. So this whole thread is another example of non-western patriarchal systems that western feminists are scared to confront cuz ur islamophobia.

Sure, some of you do - because some of you are able to choose to, by not living in countries where the act of not wearing a hijab isn’t regarded a crime by the legal/religious system. Countries such as Israel, ironically.

Or have you forgotten this act of defiance in Iran recently?https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-ne

Yes, please! More hypocrisy! Maybe you should stop strawmanning their objections in order to justify your rage-fest.

At least she had the good sense to step down.

Wow. Pro-choice people complain about people having a choice.

Acer, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Intel among a dozen other companies have all outsourced to Foxconn, you virture-signalling moron.

Acer, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Intel, among a dozen other companies have all outsourced to Foxconn, you virtue-signalling moron.

She’s an unbearable dolt, and will no doubt do damage to the Democrat cause than help.


“Three anonymous sources”

Reza is an asshole. CNN did something good...for once.

It’s a shitty show. What more can be said? Hardly anyone watched it, with good reason.

Most Blacks live in urban centres. There is no lack of access to contraception in urban centres.