You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
Not this bored, thank heavens:
Pretty bored. We don’t have the luxury of fingering-fucking one another in some weird insular circle of denial like you MAGA chuds do.
It’s a horseshoe crab preparing to die of some awful STD after attempting to mate with Florida.
I still love that his method for hiding his sexcapades is to bring in lawyers, write NDAs, and create paper and money trails.
Hey everybody, look at this idiot!
Interesting that his supports call liberals snowflakes, when their dear leader is the ultimate snowflake.
Intelligent people do. Lying to the American public, just to protect his ego, should outrage everyone.
How does he not bleed to death from being so thin skinned?
Did some White House staffer just...take a black sharpie to the original chart and draw an extra circle to encompass Alabama?
Team cat is here for this.
NO Golf carts in LOndon for me! to MUch Walking! ALL APOLOGIZE!
People are afraid to even walk the streets. . . .
“Those knives don’t stab on their own. It’s a person that stabs!”
We would be if he didn’t have equally terrible rats working under him.
Kahn should focus on.... ....”knife crime,” which is totally out of control in London. People are afraid to even walk the streets. He is a terrible mayor who should stay out of our business!
It’s so pathetic that Trump complains about “knife crime” in London while we’ve had three AR-15 mass shootings in the past 30 days.