
There’s an In-n-Out in Monterey? Sweeeeeeet.

Sure! You can Yelp jails too:

“Klytus, I’m booooooooored.”

I don't know. It's very depressing, though.

Oof. I had an elderly friend whose only daughter was murdered by the acquaintance she met on a Sierra Club hiking trip, and who wanted a romantic relationship. He showed up at her apartment one day, she said “Sorry, not interested, thanks” and he strangled her. Jesus H Christ.

My husband managed to sleep through that storm, in his attic bedroom in Bearsted. To be fair, I think he was probably really hungover.

Kinja in general seems to be a bit borked

Not surprised at all. If only Mark Burnett would release the tapes....

It looks like spiders live in there! D:

Yeah, but I don't want any of my money going to Trump or his lawyers.

Piers Morgan has officially thrown his clown hat into the ring....

Or some sort of Ed Sheeran/Louis CK hybrid....


Well, with any luck, this administration won’t last much longer, so it will be temporary....

I feel as though the sun has finally broken through some very dark clouds....

I haven’t decided if Trump sits that way because he has the world’s largest hemorrhoid, or if he *is* the World’s Bigliest Hemorrhoid.

Looks like Roger Stone is going to plead the Fifth:

I read that as “frosty is probably a lech” and given the recent #metoo stories, I wasn't going to be surprised....