An ugly events hosted by Korea!!! Stolen too many other countries’s gold medal!
An ugly events hosted by Korea!!! Stolen too many other countries’s gold medal!
Assuming they’re planning to do this as a drama, I’m not quite sure how you would handle any sort of dramatic presentation featuring Trump as a central character, because, simply put, he is an absurd individual who is impossible to take remotely seriously (even when the consequences of his behaviour are serious…
You’re ok with people cheating on their spouses? That’s really weird.
Yeah, but wouldn’t be kinda fun to see a sitting President of the United States go through divorcee proceedings? Sir, have you no sense of schadenfreude?
Honestly I don’t care about consensual affairs of politicians (unless they make their political hay on family values (just like why I’m A-OK with outing homophobic closeted ones)). Of course Trump’s an adulterer. He’s proved it with his previous wives. Get the sexual assault cases to stick and then come back to me.
i like them so much!
Comment threads on Breitbart are epic right now. There are three main camps: