I’m sure declining sales have nothing to do with the $37,000 average car price.
I’m sure declining sales have nothing to do with the $37,000 average car price.
Trucks are the internet porn of vehicles. People are like “Nah, I don’t need that” and then open their browser at 2am and go to the RAM configurator.
The recession is coming... while OEMs have been killing off small, efficient cars and introducing $45-60K small trucks.
+1 luminous mystery
It’s only a Hail Mary if the QB and at least three other players on the offense who are on the field are simultaneously praying the rosary while the ball is in the air. Challenges will be allowed if the coach of the team on defense believes that they’re not using the correct prayers.
I miss the single-player campaign. I loved the treadmill of starting off with “I’ve driven this bunk” Honda Fits and slowly filling my garage with faster cars (and then tuning them to be even better). I look at the incredible graphics and driving feedback of GT Sport and lament that there isn’t much there for someone…
@Hot Take - Rome Was Bad
Ms. D’Anastasio, this is like—one of the bog-standard things of MtG, going back for forever. People who know how to play the game—and a lot of people who think they do—know whether or not they can win against a certain type of deck, a certain tempo of play, a certain set-up they have or their opponents have; and MtG:…
tough to quit a $150k/hour job though
What kind of sick twisted FUCK would cheat at a children’s card game?
THIS is the only take there needs to be.
> Public privilege is for those that support health.
Thats ridiculous. Do you have anything to back this crazy statement up? Also, Rights and privilege are very different things. Freedom of association is a right. Having a certain job, such as a coach, is a privilege. Public health has no bearing on either.
I dont think i will fuck off, this is my reply thread.
I dont agree. People that oppose gay marriage on religious grounds are welcome in my social group. You do what you want.
Also it seems like you have anger issues or at least a tendency toward violent imagery. Seek therapy, for your own good and the good of the people around you.
Desegregation was obviously done on shaky legal ground. Most federal policies dont require armed troops to enforce, lawyers and lawsuits usually do the job just fine. PS, more people get old every single year. The idea that the next generation will be the progressive one, for real this time, has been a pipe dream…
Lack of hysterical emotion and hyperbole = White privilege.
(This is what SJW actually believe.)
> choosing who coaches your child’s sport you bigoted piece of shit.
Woah woah woah there it is, you’ve gone too far. Freedom of association is a human right. Swing, and a miss.
This is so much better an article than the tired, tired takes of “Virginia basketball is boring, except when it’s not.”
It’s astounding to me how these nerds are screaming themselves into rage-comas because a phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.
Holy shit, Gamers are trash. Just don’t play it if you’re that mad. Christ...
Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit…