
This will probably get lost in the sea here, but everyone should know about this man - Chris Mintz. He was injured while trying to block the shooter from entering one of the rooms. He ended up with multiple gunshot wounds and two broken legs. How much better would it be if everyone remembered his name instead of the

This is the best 500 days of Kristin yet

Sure. There are dozens of things to sue the Sperm Bank for that don’t involve telling you daughter that her skin color is making your life hell.

“FUCK!” - Jimmy Garoppolo

I wish people (men) really understood that granting women these rights is not only the morally just thing to do but also the SMART thing to do. I am currently exclusively pumping for a variety of reasons and the major reason I haven’t switched to formula is because we’ve had 4 colds in the 3 months that little skr has

Nothing is funnier than hearing men talk about something they know nothing about. “No, no bro, I swear, she had, like sextuple D’s!” Sure, bro. Sure.

Guitar man... The “Door Warrior”... I can see a practical purpose for his truck; he was a banner-man/rallying-point. With all those vehicles, lots of engine noises, long distances, potential to get separated from your group, and a lack of walkie-talkies... There needed to be some way to signal distant drivers with

Right, but for the people reading this article, they’re not going to know that. They’re going to see “%20” and see the author saying there’s a plus sign when there is no plus sign. And “%20” means a blank space, as far as I know. So sure, a plus sign can equal a blank space, but that’s not what the author says here.

She’s the most dominant woman’s mixed martial artist of all time.. Nothing more, nothing less. To be the most dominant your competitors have to be worthy.

I hate to agree with Clarence Thomas but disparate impact is some bullshit, the rule of law shouldn’t be run according to “Texas Poker” rules. I get that proof of actual intent is a real bitch but that’s kind of a legal system feature not a bug. Putting people to death recognizes that fact. Maybe split the difference

also, HE IS CLEARLY MARRIED and she STILL doesn’t get that at the end, which is mind-blowing. like, thats not an engagement party, sweetie.


This girl sounds incredibly bad ass, and so does her mother. And fuck the fucking misogynistic media.

It’s not the tech, Secretariat was a genetic freak and was put on Earth for one reason, to go fast. Secretariat is the outlier not the norm. He had a enlarged heart ,norm 8 lbs his 22 lbs.

Since this ended in a thai, it went to a shootout.

"GIMME A 'B!!!'"