Dr Feelbad

$26 TRILLION. There, fixed that forya.

I've been assaulted by her "humor" on Hulu's "Boss" commercials for weeks now. They'll run the same commercial over and over through a show. Its like nails being driven into my head.

"No more oreos!"

It can be two things.

"The Illusive Man has all the best words, so I must be the Illusive Man."

Trump is why, when people mention that someone went to a fancy university to signal that they are intelligent, I laugh in their faces. Also, Dubya.

That's what I call a good kind of problem ;).

Amy, for what its worth I am sorry for my crazy. I didn't really mean to single you out, I guess my ignorance of the whole journalism process got the better of me, so I sat there imagining you were some sort of editor or shot caller over at the NPR 'barge ;). Anyhow, please accept my apology, I tend to get carried

You are absolutely correct, and I am writing an apology to that person right after this. Sometimes I get carried away with my political righteousness bullshit.

I never said it was MORE important than any other depictions, although Rob Roy takes place decades before Culloden and the Clearances and Kidnapped, I believe, only deals with it tangentially. I think it is an important story, and I think they are doing it justice. And its certainly not ladyporn in any reductive

As I wrote, its "finally getting told to a broad audience", not "its finally being told!" — like its some dark conspiracy nobody knew about. I'd say Outlander has a much broader audience than a BBC documentary, especially outside the UK. And as ya'll like to say on the AV Club — it can be two things — I can be a

I've seen people questioning why the title of this piece states Outlander is important and then doesn't support that claim in the body. I can't say why the AV Club title dude thinks its important but I can say why I think it is. Its important because it depicts an extremely violent and horrible genocide that the

Because while @TheSingulatarian has great taste in political leaders, its anything but ladyporn. Does it have a female lead? Check. Does it have a hunky male lead? Check. So I guess if that's all it takes to be ladyporn, then it is. But its a historically accurate, extremely well done period drama with fantasy

Agreed. My wife is actually descended from the Frasers of Lovat, which is Jaime's clan. She has done some incredible genealogy and research on the Culloden period, as its one where her family lost literally everything in order to save as many of their kin as possible. So I can say with some certainty that its

Exactly. Where GoT is gratuitous and immature with its sexual depictions, Outlander has very few but exceptionally well done and, at the risk of sounding stodgy, adult sex scenes. And I don't mean 'XXX ADULT!!!!!!1!11!!!', I mean adult as in supremely intimate physically and emotionally. Never seen anything like it

The sad thing is you don't know. But then I guess you're paid not to know.

Right up there. Come on, you can go deeper. I believe in you.

I believe you cromz. Now, since the NPR womyn couldn't be bothered to defend her organization's garbage barge of reportage that's helping to sleepwalk us into confrontations with Russia and China, perhaps you can show me one hard hitting piece NPR has done on any subject whatsoever over the past decade. NPR is all

If you want reasonable discussions, listen to NPR. If you want to converse with actual humans it sometimes gets a little messy. You can stick your heavens, noes and urbane bullshit up your ass.

Hey, I hate those damn things too, and for the same reason. But you don't see me going on national television to whinge about it… partly because I don't have a television show. But my original assertion still stands!