Dr Feelbad

Fuck John Oliver and his poncy British-twat self. Maybe he should get out of his stupid fucking limousine liberal limousine sometime and see what's really pissing us off.

Do you even know what neoliberalism is? Hint: if you are not in the top 1% wealthy in this country, its not doing you any favors and you should know about it.

The idea of access journalism, which is how our media justifies its prostration before politicians, is a pernicious lie. It inverts the relationship of media to power. In a democracy politicians need to communicate with the people, and the way to do that is through the media. Pols need media more than media needs

Tell me, how does it feel to work for a news outlet that pushes warmongering lies about Ukraine and "Russian aggression"? That minimizes the neo-Nazi influences in the western-backed puppet government there? That pushes neoliberal garbage economics? I could go on but why bother.

My comment was a metaphor. Whatever you drink, the news you spout is largely anodyne trash.

Why thank you Senor Fisticuffs. I too found my comment witty, if not quite urbane. Now, it might've been more urbane if instead of using "vomit up" I wrote "puke out", but then again perhaps I'll leave the urbane commentary to you.

Right. Because my opinion that NPR spews neoliberal economic dogma and tepid liberal sentiment all while airing apologias for Ukrainian neo-nazis and propaganda about Putin's "aggressions" makes me a freeper. Gotcha.

I'm a bit surprised they drink coffee on NPR, what with all the weak tea they vomit up.

Only when she's wearing someone else's shit-smeared body. Actually I'm wrong, she still looked good.

I named mine Snoopie.

Damn Nazis!

Just the bass player?

I liked old Dario better. This guy has too much cock and ass.

Why go in the bathroom first? I mean, if you're going to drown in humiliation and sadness, do it IN FRONT OF all the beautifuls. The pain will be so much more exquisite.

Actually, there's nothing more metal than a coffee company endorsement or going back on an aesthetic decision.

Frankly I am pretty surprised at the lack of sympathy for Stacey from the writer of this review. Let's see: her husband was very recently murdered, her father in law went off the deep end and she fled Philly to try and find somewhere safe for her to raise her daughter on her own. She's traumatized and fears for

Everybody knows circus peanuts are the worst confection, not candy corn.

Little known fact: hobbit shit smells like tits and dragons.

This guy. This guy here gets it.

"Ayn Rand supported the Holocaust and was a self-hating Jew."
—God Almighty