
Hell no, the invisible hand of the free market will take care of the employees. They’re free to come and go and sell their labor to the highest bidder who treats them the best. The competitions green grass over there across the street assures that the benevolent CEO constantly maintains the highest standards of care

How can a CEO be expected to know about any of the details of his business? He can’t be troubled with such trivial matters. Dude has to bust his ass about 3 hours a week for a few weeks every single year making sure the lions share of the gross income comes right square into his pocket before those incompetent,

Whether he knows or not, poor treatment of employees is his responsibility at the end of the day. If he is ignorant of it, that is even more damning.

So you’re saying the CEO of a company is not responsible for employees being treated properly and fairly?

Because when you’re the boss: