No you didn’t, a low effort port like Ever Crisis is what you mentally defective nostalgia babies deserve and no more. Your just one of many manchild butthurt the devs went out of the way to fix FF7s shitty story and plotholes.
No you didn’t, a low effort port like Ever Crisis is what you mentally defective nostalgia babies deserve and no more. Your just one of many manchild butthurt the devs went out of the way to fix FF7s shitty story and plotholes.
Nope ever crisis is shit and you should cut your fingers off.
Key difference is that layoffs have no upside (aside from increasing companies’ quarterly profits). Xbox going multiplatform is good for everyone except stupid fanboys.
You sluts and straggots needed to be wiped out. You savages murder and raped billions for thousands of years and taught Muslim how to do the same.
That’s ironic because, Manchin’s existence is an abortion
Every union hall in my red-as-fuck state has hung signs endorsing Democrats since 2018. The GOP can scream into the void that they’re pro-Union but the only people they’re going to convince are non-Union workers.
Why haven't you killed yourself in your mother's basement yet, Rockhard?
Naw its worse then that. They think he might be gay. That’s pretty much all of it.
dissolve the entirety of north american policing. this is so much bullshit because of some undereducated high school bullies feel like they can be judge dredd out there
Hey if you read Texas’s newest textbooks it probably “is”
THIS GUY IS YOUNGER THAN ME!?!?!?!? It never gets old that the self appointed protectors of the white race seem barely human.
He’s a spoiled little boy who thought he could play soldier. No college will touch him because the safety concerns for him being “on campus”.
“We want to protect the lives of children!”
Is she mad because nobody would ever impregnate her?
Bony Carrot needs to go home and have fun cosplaying her weird theocratic bullshit kink. She’s shockingly stupid, and I have no idea how she ever made the bench in the first place.
She was chosen because she was NOT qualified, but is a right wing extremist with little (OK, she has a tiny bit of) common sense. These SCOTUS extremists only know phrases of the Constitution which seem to support their crazy views, and have the morals of a hungry wild animal. They believe they are above the law and…
“Getting the wrong idea,” is her handy answer.
Yeah, that would be that bastard’s thinking alright. Another deranged white man on the loose. They been playing the long-game and putting fuckers like that in politics for a long time. Then when they got the leverage they sought, here they come trying to take us back into Jim Crow. He’s going to find out, like those…
Ron DeSantis claims slavery had a benefit for black people, yet totally ignores the benefit of slavery for white people. I don’t think being raped and beaten has an upside, but free labor to build generational wealth does.