That's a really neat story. And if they were trying to find the birthplace of the burrito, it might have a point.
That's a really neat story. And if they were trying to find the birthplace of the burrito, it might have a point.
If the Taco Bell from Meridian, Idaho isn't on that list, I'm going to be pissed.
You know what is simpler? One damn pan.
It's funny not because there's anything wrong with making business deals with sizable corporations, but because he's representing his business deal with Chipotle as a departure from his standard practice of not making business deals with sizable corporations despite the fact that he routinely makes business deals with…
I don't think I'm clever. I'm just annoyed when people freak out about "chemicals" without being more specific.
Imagine that prepared, single portion of meat in front of you. It's 100% solid chemicals.
Don't worry, you're still getting good old wood pulp (cellulose) in there, and in the corn tortillas that the meat + TVP is wrapped in (okay, okay, the TVP is in Jack in the Box tacos . . . I just like saying it).
If the Knicks are a storied franchise, then the Detroit Lions are a storied franchise.
The kind who gets nauseous from the taste of mayo.
oh shut the fuck up. This "riot"does not deserve some long form bitch session about your fucking retarded "sports following" classmates. What the fuck are you doing in Deadspin in the first place if you don't follow sports?
This isn't the drone you're looking for.
I believe Chobani. If they had stolen Fage's recipe, their yogurt would taste much better.
I don't see why you're so bitter. Him going to Stanford freed up the last spot at Jim's Clown College for you.
Good. She can start eating now.
He's clutching her tighter than the clipboard he'll be holding for the next four seasons.
So, um, you know that UV light specifically doesn't impact High Life, right? You may think it sucks, but it's not because of light. I feel like this article was pretty under-researched. What is high born beer? And where does that bs line about 3 weeks in a keg come from? I feel like you just shit out bunch of words…
Short ribs used to be cheap too, then someone made a big deal and turned them into $6/lb. meat. Bastards.
Let's just hope they're scared of meat with a bone in it. Maybe plant a story about how many children choke on chicken bones every year.
"Get a handwriting expert, find that guy's apartment, and RUIN him." Too Sherlock.
Man, you just about blew a load in your nerd-shorts when you saw that question, didn't you?