How are they going to make a 2.0L turbo in a vehicle that is available with a manual and not make it available with a manual?
How are they going to make a 2.0L turbo in a vehicle that is available with a manual and not make it available with a manual?
Theres a saying in the rural hills of Pennsylvania: don’t cry over spilt groundhogs.
And then animal control shows up and asks the cop to shoot it.
I’ve had a bunch of these assholes tear up my yard, destroy the cement under my garage by burrowing underneath it, and completely devastate our gardens. They are a pest and a nuisance. If you try to relocate them by trap and release and get caught you can be slapped with an enormous fine. It is, however, legal to…
Alright, I’m gonna pay for the service so it doesn’t matter to me; but it’s a dick move that they’re locking online play for games I already own, such as Splatoon 2, behind a paywall.
FPFQ means Falling Price (of car) Falling Quality (of owner). AKA 16 year olds getting a GTO for their first car, and then wrecking it. Or a sport compact person who buys a GTO thinking they are cheap fast cars only to realize that parts for an Aussie built car are expensive, and a minor accident will total them.
Not the same. If you own it, you can still play Alan Wake unscathed. It wasn’t retroactively changed.
Unfortunately the technology is there, which meant that Rockstar had the option to not license the music “in perpetuity” the way it is often done for media like movies.
This is flippin stupid. Like others have said, retroactively removing content from a game should be illegal. Sure, remove the songs from future copies of the game, but how the hell can it be justified to remove songs from a single player game?
Thank god there aren’t updates for Vice City on PS2 or anything. Yeesh.
I will purchase a helmet with a spike and ride the hell out of it.
Poe’s law.
The Natives should have built a wall and gotten the Europeans to pay for it.
I think I read somewhere that Nintendo packaged the system with the robot so it could be marketed as a toy to retailers that were reluctant to stock another home video game system after the video game crash of 1983.
My Nintendo came with duck hunt, gyromite and a robot with no super Mario Bros. I remember being jealous of everyone playing and talking about Mario but when I look back, that robot was pretty cool!
200 is enough to have fun, but there are different types of 200.
i’m gonna guess you’re talking about vertical vengeance. which, great map.
I’m not. A frankly shocking number of conservatives also didn’t realize that the Colbert Report was satire
Also, why don’t we have timing gears?