Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

In this case, I have seen multiple corrado projects fall apart due to how much generation-hopping this car does. You have a mix of mk 2 and eventual mk 3 golf parts, some assorted audi parts, and I think passat? Unless you know what parts come from where going into it, it becomes a very overwhelming car. And no, the

Corvair driver here. You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The opening chapter did indeed savage the Corvair, but what many people don’t mention is that he also included the fact that GM “fixed” the issue in the ‘64 model year with the addition of a camber compensator. Additionally, the negative public perception

Ralph Nader in the Automotive Hall of Fame? What’s next? Hitler in the Mustache Hall of Fame? And before you ask, there is a Mustache Hall of Fame.

Those that can afford to buy new systems every 2 to 3 years don’t see that side of it or care.

I retract my poor man comment, as I digress on the hours of fun we had with Chromehounds. I think what I meant by that is that Chromehounds is the less recognized of the two IP’s. I remember reading about them shutting online down. I wonder what the player base was like at it’s highest point. Really hope this gen gets

When I saw Timber Wolf I immediately recognized that you are talking about MechWarrior. Really really wish they would bring that series back, the concept is basically perfect for a video game. My friends and I played a game called Chromehounds, basically a poor mans MechWarrior. Probably my fondest memories of the

I really enjoyed reading this, about your PC experiences in the 90s. I was born in 90, so that was a decade that I would not have been so knowledgeable about computers. A playstation one that my mom picked up at a garage sale was my first system. I just put games in and played, not knowing or not caring that there was

But how the fuck will they be able to announce their presence while driving under the overpass 2 blocks from my house?

For sure, we have been putting up with it for a while now with phones. However, personally, I upgrade my phone once every three years because I don’t care about the new features on the newest models. Gaming console is a different story. I use it for so much more and am much more interested in additional features,

Very reasonable opinion. Two questions. I could totally see this guys argument if Microsoft was announcing a new console out at the end of this year to compete with sony that did not support the whole "console family" plan, and was its own thing. Don't you think that it's a bit easier to swallow with the whole choice

It’s not a new console as in next generation console. It’s an upgraded console of a current gen console that was never announced. Just recently rumored and now it was just announced after a lot of people only recently just got an Xbox One. They got screwed over. This isn’t a new generation of consoles and the Xbox 360

Actually, the bulk of the cost is in creating the carbon fibers. The resins themselves are not the problem.

This got me thinking: with a little splicing and engineering, one can grow a variety of bamboo that can be harvested to make organic carbon fiber.

How often do you update your graphics card?

I know “Ghost in the Shell” since the manga release, every iteration changed a certain amount. The last iteration had the least connections to the original story...

I moved house recently and found my old Alita novel. It’s still so good and I’m still so paranoid it can’t/will be made in to a film. Prove me wrong Rodriguez... please please.

No, the model S is legit a product. Yes it has some build quality issues but its still basically the first ever viable (if very niche) full EV. Its what they did after that convinces me that their business model is flawed and their leadership is focused on all the wrong things. The Model X is the perfect rolling

Geez, I still see old Cavaliers plugging along these days. They may have been deathly dull cars but they appear to have Volvo-levels of tenacity.

does anyone know what’s up with that. Lanesplitter, is a shell of its former self, and FA is done. What’s with the exodus of talented folks?

Jason, I was there too, here's the deal as I understand it. My background is in software development outside of all the automotive media stuff I'm involved with so I've got a fairly decent grasp on system architectures.