Surprised it took so long for PA to appear in the list, and pleasantly surprised the picture used is about five minutes from my house. The exit sign is for Delco’s other greatest export, Wawa.
The question thrived on the largely correct assumption that the average person did not intuitively recognize that the wheels are simply free-rolling and not powered. If you really wanna break some brains, swap the conveyor for a giant fan.
This is the automotive equivalent of the old airplane/conveyor belt question. . . How can a wheel receive torque if a wheel cannot apply torque?
The correct answer is a minivan, but since we apparently care what the crotch-goblins think. . .
Any gently used crew cab pick’em-up and buy a tonneau for the bed. Next?
I suspect this will be the most popular driveline and you’re right: even with the extra production capacity you’ll have to either order in the five minute window that bookings haven’t filled up or just get hilariously lucky on the lot. Dealer markup will be brutal as well, possibly in both cases.
We were seriously…
I looked that boat up. Yes. Also, neat.
Hang the fuck on. When the hell did 3600+ pounds become “relatively light-weight”? My 2004 GTO, considered a pig, was 3750lbs. My 2011 335i xDrive boring ass sedan probably weighs about the same as the convertible. I must’ve zoned out on the weight of modern sports cars over the last few year but all this does is…
I mean, the acidity might cause burns but not at that temp. A household water heater has the safety set at 120F. A water temp of 105F is a hot shower, or a soak in the ol’ Jacuzzi. They might come out a little pink, but that’s it temp-wise.
Soooo. . . I got curious and did some googling. Apparently that geyser has a PH…
I mean, that’s every bike that isn’t a full dresser.
In theory, I agree with you. Still, in practice riding a Grom means you can easily ride a bigger bike without too much acclimation, like going from a Miata to a ‘Vette. I’ve never had an issue going bigger or smaller from the K3 Gixxer 600 that I learned on. You notice the change, absolutely, but you don’t feel out of…
Tried it for a laugh. Same thing: 40K and 80+ miles away. Bull. Shit. My neighbor leased his Wrangler and he’s dumping it soon. He likes it but an equivalent to buy is near 800 a month, and his buy out is crap because Wranglers do hold their value. Was trying to figure out what to do next. Mazda was not going to treat…
We’re in PA, west of Philadelphia. Out of the current fleet, there’s a 2011 335i, 2012 Silverado, 2015 Renegade and a 1992 Miata. I’d guesstimate the majority of vehicles around here are in the 2010-2018 range.
The most obvious answer I can think of is the same reason the 25-year import law exists in the first place: someone doesn’t want you importing a “better” option. My guess in this case is companies with skin in the side-by-side game. Why waste stupid money on one of those when you can get a kei truck that’s considered…
That said, you’d have the same problem I experienced with my GTO: yeah, there’s thousands of them in existence but the vast bulk of the cheap bespoke parts are in junkyards literally an ocean away.
Someone just discovered Mentour Pilot’s Youtube channel, I see.
Here in PA, I’ve got rail trails that can get me to the office with worrying about getting smooshed by some twat but the route is such an out and back (to the connector) that’s it’s an hour ride one way. Or I could risk the streets and be there in about half that time. That said, I can legit ride to Philadelphia from…