That’s because they’re starting to ask (and get) 15-20K for clean, low-mileage NAs and NBs. If you’re not interested in buying crusty gold at the bottom end of the market to work on in the garage/driveway as a project*, it doesn’t take an economics degree to figure out that for twice the price of a clean example you…
Not necessarily. I’m sure there’s enough of us young Gen-Xers and older Millennials that still have enough emotional connections to these cars to keep them rolling for another two or three decades.
A quick scan around Yearone seems to indicate I still can build a Chevelle from just a VIN plate and a wad of cash. As for…
So first house I bought came with two trash cans. Made this mistake. Found a drowned squirrel floating in the can I rarely used when I was doing some yard work around the garage.
You basically fill out a quick online form and pay a few bucks to a domain registrar (e.g. GoDaddy, which is probably the one everyone knows) and assuming no one else already beat you to it, boom, it’s (generally) yours as long as you pay your renewals. Functionally, the process is easier than registering a new car.
While we’re on the subject of inflation, we could discuss that 800lb gorilla in the room. . .
Look, it was either this or “Bridge-y McBridge-face.”
And that’s the killer. Beyond the M3/4 Pure, can you get anything similar that’s new with a stick? Audi or Caddy, maybe? I honestly don’t even know anymore.
Beat me to it.
I’m not even going to front. “In” does a lot of heavy lifting in this case. Colloquially, in this context, it’s essentially a contraction of “translated INto”. There’s nary a single person here in ‘Murrica that would not read that line and understand that “viggen” = “thunderbolt” in another language, which they’d…
Ah, the magic ambiguity of the English language, where both statements are correct.
Curiously, the only plastic that falls apart in these things seems to be located in the engine bay. My 335 is over a decade old, pushing 100,000 miles and the interior shows minimal signs of wear and age. While GM’s not exactly known for quality interiors, the Silverado we just picked up is a model year newer, with…
Especially now that they’re all bespoke and only used for a handful of model years. Ask anyone with an XLR what their worst fear is. . .
I thought about this for a hot second as the Gladiator has grown on me, but I hate the idea of min-maxing to my needs after trying all kinds of Enron accounting regarding towing with a manual Renegade. . . I’ve got Armored Core 6 for that shiz. We ultimately bought a used 2500 Silverado because the numbers are what…
Sooooooo. . . the better three-quarters and I recently bought a used 2500HD Silveraydo as a tertiary vehicle. The logic was if we ran out of truck to do the trucky things we required of it, we need a fookin’ professional. Built in hubris check. For a truck, it drives like a dream. This clown had a thousand less trucks…
And that’s the thing. The only people interested in this car are new-to-brand SAAB enthusiasts or the worst remaining brand snobs. . . And if they can be honest with themselves, they can find more interesting European toys, some with stick, from the same money if not less. For example, I don’t trust this to have…
Hah, I totally forgot they had said that.
I’ve enjoyed my time spent with the game, don’t get me wrong. . . .
. . . but I’ll be damned if TOTK doesn’t feel like a just a massive BOTW DLC that just was spun out into a stand alone product.
Assuming the numbers I found were correct, Mazda’s managed to justify it for the MX-5 on a bespoke platform with sub-10K per annum sales. The BR-Z86 numbers are worse than the GTI/R. This “issue” of VAG’s could probably be fixed in the software. It’s all a money issue: namely the investors want more and killing the…
That was kinda my same thought. Granted, not like I have any experience with a straight-8 but I imagine it’s a helluva lot smoother than a four-banger and, barring designing an engine from scratch, an inline-6 would’ve gone a long way towards replicating the experience of the original car. Seems a weird oversight, as…