Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

I’ll repost my reply to a thread up higher, mainly to see who else noticed.

Something weird’s going on, and it’s possible they’re faking us out. Look at this screenie from the newer trailer.

First up, those fingernails. Two, that hip strikes me as more feminine. Three, look at the cap from the first trailer:

Grain of salt, and it’s all up to individual interpretation. Look at this screenie.

You assume liberals are also not pro-life. We would actually prefer no abortions, but realize that denying access to them is far more damaging on a societal level. So that’s puts us ahead of the conservative platform, in that we also actually care about the ones that are currently respirating. We loathe the hypocrisy

Hmm. . . ‘79's not exactly the greatest year for cars, so just gimme an LP400 S. Wingless, please.

As an ex-smoker.... yeah, no. “Out of your way” generally means you never smoke indoors, don’t smoke in a group with non-smokers and cross the parking lot rather than stand at the door like a jackass. Now, you can argue that yes, the smell clings to people, but that’s no less offensive than the gang that bathes in

Easy. If you’re the type of person who is sending in laboratory analysis of your spit to prove you’re in the right, it’s waaaaay less hassle for Hertz to just cut a check and never deal with you again.

Insurance companies often ask for mouth swabs when establishing policies. One of the things these test for is whether you’ve smoked in the past x number of months. I believe they’re cheap as chips, as the saying goes. I’d take one, and then send a copy of the results certified mail, materials and documentation tying

Oh, I agree. This is a textbook definition of “disproportionate retribution.”

But I understand the apathy towards the person’s ultimate fate. Let’s be honest: if homeboy had, say, leaned over the side and beat the thief’s shins to pulp with a tire-iron and just left it at that instead, we’d probably be canonizing him

Probably because it’s a transgression of one of the oldest tenets of polite society: the violation of another’s family, pet or vehicle. Or, as it was taught to me back in the caveman era, “you do not fuck with another man’s girl, dog or ride.”

Nah, it’s white.

Want another one?  We know who shot the sheriff, but who did in fact shoot the deputy? 

Yeah, 100% this. If those had been unbreakable, few would’ve complained.

Failing that, just let Link punch things instead of look at his empty hand like an idiot.

Literally my first thought.

If you’re referring to what I think you’re referring, than no, not really. The agreement was no one would officially build a car as having more than 276hp but the dynos prove otherwise. Same as the the LS1-powered F-bodies being advertised at 305hp versus the ‘Vettes 350hp.

“All input is error.”

I’m guessing he regrets the kid?

Truth be told, I forgot the 3 GT even existed. Certainly have never seen one in the wild. I lean heavily into the “coupes have two doors” camp, so I would like to personally slap whoever started this four-door nonsense. Throwing “Gran” in the title doesn’t give them a pass.

Oddly enough, when I took a gander at the

Bad doggie no biscuit.

This car is fine, for someone. I’ll die on the manual hill most days, but I feel you. The problem is that 4 GC nomenclature does not make sense, nor does the 6 GC. BMW split the lines: odds were sedans/wagons, even coupes/convertibles. The split was unnecessary but internally consistent until the

Is it wrong that the boat interests me far more than the car?

Great, now they’re going to want to audit NPOND votes.  STOP THE DEAL!