Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

Just curious how that’s been working out for you. From what I’ve read, solo-mining is long dead, and your only option is to join a pool.

Nah, I get wanting those loot drops if they included some decent weapons, especially once the guiding stops and you really get to start exploring. I used the freebies from the little message things all the time, and those were, like, a scimitar and the giant boomerang, IIRC. As much as I like BOTW, having to go round

Please tell us, but only if it’s a slideshow!


I’ll be picking up the remaster at some point but lord knows I’ve got enough to plow through before I get there.

Fun cars, shame they were late to the party. For ten-large, though, it’d better be the panel-van version. I’m no dicing this one.

Jeep’s description of their “trade dress” in the Roxor suit was such that any number of vehicles contemporary to the CJ-X series could have been considered infringing, giving weight to the argument Jeep vacated those aspects ages ago. Hence, a hammer. The Thar is also a rebranded evolution of the CJ-3B, which

It’s Saturday morning technically, and I’m a gearhead, watching some old dude in Asia pilot a digital Dorito-powered car while listening to “Vigil” from ME1 and drinking craft beer from 90 miles away. While my wife and dog sleep to the goddamned Hobbit 2.

As much as I have reservations about modern life, it is fucking

Well, the loss of an H2 is something to celebrate. H1s and H3s are at least interesting.

Vigil” is in the goddamned top ten 10 of gaming tracks. Could listen to it for hours. Granted, its timing was perfect, too, dumping the big reveal in that moment of calm.

ME1 is required, and honestly: if they had let me fly and fight (with) the Normandy it’d be the best sci-fi vidya game ever.

Personal opinion and letter-of-the-law do not always intersect. Funny thing, that. Hence “as far as I am concerned.Would “if I had my druthers” make you feel better about my statement? Bottom line, knowing the history of the MB, it does not grok correct.

In this case, yes. Taking a little trek back to WWII and the post-war era: Bantam developed the initial vehicle. The War Department literally handed Ford and Willys the blueprints, and then compiled the feedback to Willys, winner mainly due to the Go-Devil engine, which the result ultimately became the MB. There were

If it makes you feel better, and I wish the same for you, all my wife and I had was a few aches and was a massive desire/need to sleep the next day. The night of the shot you’ll be good; I actually went out for a 5k with my beer runners group that evening.

Now do that with an 80's three-box-sedan. Stanley, Kobalt, Craftsman, gaddamned Fap-on, a hammer’s a hammer’s a hammer. Crystallized evolution.

I get where they’re coming from, but seeing as the Jeep Wrangler as we understand it is a mashed together version of a government-solicited contract that the IP was handed to

I wonder if the driver liked axes and had a predilection towards small furry hats. . .


Because we’re all out of ideas. . . She is copying Kyle McDonald after seeing his TED talk. He did this back in 2005. If you rummage around the archives here, there’s a story about some kid doing something similar for a Porsche, IIRC.

As a resident of the Commonwealth who’s well aware of “Mad Anthony” Wayne and actually lived in the area of the Battle of Paoli for a time:

Fun story, you don’t even need to be guilty of a crime in order to have your ‘assets forfeited’, just charged with a crime.

Hang on, it’s worse than that. You’re not actually being charged with a crime, though usually the police will strong-arm someone into the forfeiture by threatening them with charges. The asset

It’s an unfortunate reality. Barring examples collecting dust in people’s collection, the vast majority of out-of-print games are basically landfill. For better or worse, ROM and abandonware sites “keep the tapes circulating.

That said, the sheer number of times we’ve all paid for yet another copy of the original