Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

I can’t speak to the Ferrari set but pretty much every other community a catalyst bypass/delete means they’re either cheaping out because the replacement cat is expensive as hell or they were going for big power. Either case, not really something you want to see even if the latter is more acceptable.

Funny you say that as I always considered the Soul to be the xB’s spiritual successor.

Now playing

I’ll allow Monsieur Pyle to address our collective reaction:

I almost wanna bet it was a 6000.  Almost.

Can’t wait to those auctions on BAT in twenty years.

I suspect I’ll largely be sitting done and finally tweaking my Retropie/RPi4 build, and maybe get back into some Morrowind. Other than that, it’s the IRL game known as “cursing at a rusty snowblower” as I finish replacing a stripped ring gear in the auger’s gear case.

because we have more bandwidth to actually make productive changes.

Which always cracks me up. They used to tout that a given platform could be easily reconfigured for various lengths and drive configurations, yet invariably all we would ever get is another front driver. I get that there are regulatory and production costs (I mean, passing the Fed’s tests and buying the tooling ain’t

Serious question(s), though: how far are you from the screen, how large is your screen and/or do you have 20/15 or 20/10 vision?

I’m not gonna say it’s even unlikely for you to discern the difference but it’s probably the result of one (or more) of the above. There’s been reams of paper devoted to this and the points

True and you can definitely see the resemblance. I was more shocked that they made it wrong wheel drive along the way. Unsurprising given the market but still. . . 

On one hand, nice to see that work didn’t go to waste. On the otherhand. . .

Lotta people were maaaaaaaaaaaad it was not a winga-dinga retro-themed brick, a la the S197 Mustang.

But here’s the thing, and why I say intelligence needs to be used when planning it out. If an arbitrary “capacity available to the customer” is set at, say, 75% of overall then your two example batteries, and, just for laughs, a third at 77% become functionally identical with the same range. IIRC, this is what Tesla

I’d probably lean towards the latter. The bigger issue probably the cooling system. It would have to be able to quick disconnect/reconnect the lines and “burp” itself. Not insurmountable but an added wrinkle nonetheless.

Realistically, this would never happen.* First up, figure they’re going to be asset-managed in some capacity and I suspect either you or your car will be (to some degree) as well. Now, the same infrastructure that’s charging the batteries can certainly track them and monitor their health. Any battery that’s degraded

Well, they did just pack up their trunk and fly on outta Japan.

And 400% the reliability. I respect the sheer gumption to drop that V10 in there but good lord, that is one car I’d never consider owning out of warranty without “fuck you”-class disposable income.

Probably a little high for my liking, but I blame that on the current market. But at 4K, looks clean and low mileage relative to the model year, I’m gonna nice price this.

I had this car’s Pontiac twin, the Grand Prix GTP. Same year. They’re virtually unkillable. Yeah, the interior’s on the cheaper side and the

Even in the heyday, the commentariat is what made the Gawker sites what they were.

I think of it more as a friendly tennis match. We’re both pro-Aussie, with him being native (lucky bloke) and me being a former owner and fan of their product. We’re just batting around the debris, sadly.

Here’s a hint: the controversy wasn’t the actual design.

That said, if it had a brother-from-another-mother stablemate, the answer would be the last-gen Grand Am. Even still, the GTO was a far cleaner design. If anything, I’dve called it “contemporary” if I may be so. . . Cavalier.