Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

The N55 retained the “TwinPower Turbo” branding of the N54 but it’s a single twinscroll turbo. Those wacky Germans. No Fxx chassis that I can think of had the twin turbo.

The car itself seems well-kept. It has the N55 single-turbo, which is fairly reliable in you’re a good person who does their maintenance. Also, no xDrive, which seems a bit “breaky” when spinning four wheels on the larger cars. I’d prefer a fair bit less mileage but, if they’ve got the service records, I’d nice

Now playing

To be fair, a lot of them were still trying to figure out why Henry Rollin’s little brother was up there with a keyboard and tambourine.

Great, great version of the song, though.

Between this and the return of the KLR. . . 

Since others have already provided the snark, I’ll throw the legit (probably no longer) speculation: it’s Navi 23 based-silicon from AMD paired with whatever Jim Keller was developing for Tesla.

I’m also waiting to see if I’m right about steer-by-wire.

CD4 platform, so they’re related.

If you’re gonna accuse them of cribbing VAG, maaaybe the Phideon, except the Conti’s pre-prod concept dropped a year before that car’s unveiling.

But it’s irrelevant, as we’re talking best looking, not most-original.

Looks are subjective

I remain cautiously optimistic.

The Model S is the only Tesla that truly looked good, so externally they didn’t break what didn’t need fixing. I’ll willing to cede that may be a missed opportunity, though.

That screen. Argh. I loathe the tablet jammed into the dash design trope. Hideous. Also, the larger, wider screen

Not just entertainment, but vijayo games. Wondering about the FPS there.

Learned from my father: the brake pad trick was his. Now I’ve one of those high-faluting Harvard Freight kits because I couldn’t get the rear caliper on a friend of a friend’s New Beetle to retract.

Solid choice. I’ve been rocking the roast beast with chez, reds and chipotle spooge, when I get the urge lately.

Hah, good ol’ Upper Heroin. Used to work in Radnor and would slip over there after work all the time. The KoP Mall also was the better half’s teenage stomping grounds. That area is blowing up and we laugh

Remembered to get a meatball sub, too? And did you eat outside using trashcan for a table, as is customary in the Dirty Delco?

Conveniently, yes, yes they do. That’s the OG flavor, in fact. The dark chocolate’s solid without being too. . . deep*. There’s these too, if you need a coconut egg fix in August.

I’ll give ‘em a pass on the first two as those are minor. . . but not covering a critical step of the process? Nope. Hell, I’d rubberstamp it with a pass if they at least mentioned that you need to pump the brakes back up, as that pedal’s gonna go straight through the floor the first time it’s pressed. I’d let missing

Your cats and my dog should get together. I mean, squirrels hold her heart but she’s very, very successful in the baby bunny business.

Counterpoint:  Tagalongs are delicious yes. However, these, while not being a cookie, exist and are available 365.

Hah, much like spark-plugs, the alternator itself is an easy job. It’s the maneuvering the old one out and the new one back in that can be the bitch. First time I swapped one was on a friend’s Ford Exploder. . . Thing was right up top and took maybe fifteen-twenty minutes. Other ones, not so easy. Actually, most basic

That was my major criticism.

Yeah, that’s my concern as well: they’ll bring back the Xterra but they’ll completely miss why the truck was so beloved. We’ll get some weird high-roofed Maxima wagon with an extra inch of ground clearance and 20+” wheels.