Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.


Seriously, add Luigi game figure and an end goal to the $60 set shown here and I’d be willing to thrown down another ten bucks.

I wonder if it includes a can of spray paint?

1. The height would just require a “power bulge” hood. The actually stuffening changes would be fairly minor as there’s only so much futzing you can do with the rest of the driveline without essentially re-engineering the whole vehicle. I can’t imagine the block sizes between the two are that different, so what

Are you me?

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they say they would not do exactly this (stuff a V8 in a Wrangler) ages ago because it was a hilariously bad idea with this platform?

Exactly, if you look at what you get compared to the original specification and adjust for inflation, who cares? The bigger “issue” in the price is the loss of the tax incentive.

Now if only it wasn’t so awkward looking, or have a reputation for build issues.

IIRC, didn’t H-D getting spanked repeatedly by the UJM drive them out of racing way back in the day?

Granted, it was as a middle man for the Russians.

Which is odd, because Subie parks the intercooler on top on the engine and the hoodscoop, IIRC, is what pushes air over it. There’s definitely some bent fins but I’m seconding the crud diagnosis because to really clean it you’d probably need to pop it off and spray it with a garden hose.

But for a mere $500 more, those wheels are yours! So, technically accurate? Anyway, it’s getting deeper when you read the ad.

“I purchased this car recently with the intention of making a track/autocross car however I found a 2012 STI that I really like so this is up for grabs.”

So Tool’s essentially just flipping it

Sooner is probably for the best. One of the reasons I bought a launch PS3 is due to more or less skipping the PS2 in favor of the DC and OG Xbox. I’ve admittedly no clue how Sony is handling BC on an architectural level this go ‘round but the way they stripped meaningful hardware BC out of the PS3 was infuriating,

Sooooo. . . Pottstown. You ain’t kidding about “neighbor:” we’re in the Spring-Ford area!

To add to this:

I picked one up to replace an ancient Echo. It’s pretty hefty in addition to that flat base so I don’t think you have to worry about it being accidentally knocked off.

I’m on the edge of Chester County and will confirm that it gets rural with a quickness, at least when they’re not buying up farms to build “attached-singles/luxury carriage homes” because townhouse is too “downmarket” now.

To elaborate, there’s an old saying about Pennsylvania:

“You’ve got Philly on one side,

If it has two doors and is not a time-attack track weapon, it damn well better be row-your-own. It is extraordinarily rare that the automatic yields the better experience.

I live on the pastoral edge of the Philly ‘burbs before it gives way to what we politely consider “Pennsyltucky.” Before the Coof hit, my commute

That was my main concern in the scenario. I don’t think you’d lose quite as much in the first year due to sheer demand outstripping supply but if the dealers are allowed to pile “market adjustments” on those trucks you’ll be fuckered. I think Ford also knows that would make for a PR disaster of epic proportions and

And this right here is the problem:

Mein Gott! TI back in stock? Hell, it’s a buck twenty of Amazon.  Sadly it’d just be a dust collector at this point in my life.

“. . . Certainly the PS3. . .”

Ahahahhahahhahahah<breathe>ahahhahahahahahahahahahahah. . . .

And promptly jettisoned it at the first minor revision, then finished flushing the “turd” by the release of the slim. One of the only times buying a launch console truly payed off for me. Granted, Sony claims they had the data