Chris's driveway looks like a World War II Loser's reunion.

I have the Blipshift shirt. . .

If he had ended it there, at the first remark, fine. Musk doubled-down, and tripled down to the point of hiring someone of dubious credentials who claimed to have evidence that supported the initial claim. If you don’t think Musk was out to harm, I don’t understand your line of thought.

Not really. Calling someone, given the context of an ex-pat in southeast Asia, a “pedo-guy” is absolutely “intending to harm.” If I basely accused you of being a “dog-fucker” because you disagreed with me, and then repeatedly doubled-down on that notion to the point of hiring a shady private investigator who claimed

I’m assuming it’s some flavor of ladder bar. My buddy’s ‘69 (niiiiiiice) Chevelle had them. It’s just another way of locating the axle. If not that, it’s some weirdo ‘roided up four-link.

I’m going to say my initial assumption is wrong after taking a look at the slide deck. Ladder bars use coil springs and

The backup camera’s actually a great idea with a worthless implementation. As it is now, it’s really only good as a final spot check before you start moving. . . unless you’re a retired submariner and driving the boat through a small screen’s actually a step up from what you’re used to. It’d be “wasteful,” but a more

M12, if I remember the code for the T56, yes, but QSM if I recall correctly. If it’d been a BOM or MBM, I’dve been more tempted. Or divorced. Granted, if it was Cosmos Purple I might’ve been able to beg forgiveness.

Still, nearly fifteen years old and that low mileage. . . Not sure what to think. I’d imagine the

Damn, it was so sensible my mind refused to process it as one of his. 

Notice the lack of Torch, Raph or Dave.

I put around 150K on a GTO until some twat drilled it. The idea I can never buy another new bogan hate machine saddens me greatly.

As an aside:  someone put a virtually new (like, less than 1000 miles) 2006 GTO up for sale in West Chester (PA) not long after mine got totaled last winter. I was slightly tempted.

I’m going to hazard a guess: It was on the receiving end of a relatively minor whack at the bottom of the depreciation curve when it was utterly worthless regardless of condition. Either the owner repaired it, or someone saw an otherwise clean E30 at a salvage auction and realized they could fix it on the cheap.


As I’ve said elsewhere, that will be weighed as there is some relaxation regarding patents when dealing with government contracts. However, for virtually all intents and purposes, the only difference here is the consumer was the military. Now, Ford specifically changed the grill on the M151 to avoid any issues with

Wow, that is a complete failure to read the attached link. The M151 was developed and initially produced by Ford.

I wonder this as well. I’m guessing the key is to shut your yap and don’t upload the trip files from your Garmins until the statue of limitations runs out, while hoping no one else working at/with the third party notices an anomalous set of GPS logs out there.

IIRC, they all do. With the fuel onboard, you’d probably get half to three-quarters of the way across the country without stopping at highway speed. At the speed these dudes are traveling at, your fuel consumption is just enormous.

I ended up going German with its replacement: an E90 335i xDrive, manual trans with the N55.

I might pick up another GTO somewhere down the line. Depends on how the aftermarket treats them. There was a drought for awhile but new sources of parts have been coming online. The cars themselves are even starting to

Which is why I said “far less” instead of “irrelevant.” It’ll be a factor weighed but the second will be more heavily weighted given its direct one-one similarity to the situation. In both cases you have an off-road vehicle with lineage tracing to the MB/CJ featuring similar profiles with altered grills.

They are very

First part of your statement is far less relevant than the second. To avoid any trademark issues, Ford changed the grill. Mahindra has a precedent they can point directly at.

I say “FCA” because FCA is the current owner of the relevant companies, and therefore lugs that history along for the ride. Also, Kaiser is not about to rise from its corporate grave to answer that question in the court case.

Now, the M151 helps establish the case that a “Jeep” in the context of a small, open-top

I remember reading that the best legal solutions to IP conflicts leave both parties somewhat dissatisfied. This is probably the best, and most equitable, outcome: Mahindra pays a fat licensing fee but gets to use the Jeep brand and grill. Lean into the CJ-5 heritage and SxS market by calling it something like the

Here’s Mahindra’s legal mic drop. Go on, FCA, tell me where you successfully prosecuted this?