
Col ga te is manufactured in Mexico so they should know it...

I read "accidental blowjob" and thought there would be a humorous story about a donkey show gone awry. Was disappointed...

no that is Stanford. though they provided me with enough free online resources to help me learn programming, something that the ghetto cal poly did not. at ghetto cal poly they wanted me to drop out of CS; nor did they teach. I learned to program from the free stuff they put for their CS students at Stanford online.

Since the Vaseline doesn't have any kind of strong medicine in it, you can apply it as much as needed. I've even taken cotton gloves, applied a bunch on my skin, and then put the gloves on overnight.

I'm so pale I'm at a serious disadvantage when playing laser tag. I glow in black light.

I'm going to keep an eye on this thread you started. I get the feeling it will be entertaining. I hope I'm not wrong.

Why would the IOC care what happens when they leave?

I am ASTONISHED that a winter resort looks like a ghost town in midsummer...

You mean to tell me that a purpose-built city isn't thriving after the conclusion of the event that caused it to be built?

but uncle ruckus loves jim crow

Ask the First Nation people about that statement.......

"You're right. It's also not for White people. Please get out." - Native Americans

It's a bit difficult to tell which way the symbol is oriented, given that it's on a round bun.

The Finnish Air force flag

thats not the nazi symbol, thats the Tirthankara symbol in Jainism. to be the hitler symbol it has to be on a slant. the guy could also be a fan of the insignia of the Finnish Air force of 1935. as well as a fan of the Chilocco Indian Agricultural School and native american culture

Can we carbon-date her or cut her open and count the rings to see how old she truly is? Because, I'm not buying 18 (like I didn't buy 16, two years ago...)

I don't know who to be embarrassed/ashamed of more;
The people who developed this mod or the people who think this kind of childish shit is hilarious.

Ok, wait. Someone explain this to dumb ole me: If Nicki Minaj is really cool and a woman speaking up for her right to be who she wants, why can't this woman? I mean, I do not find this woman particularly intriguing but it seems there is a bit of taking the piss going on here. But if we switch the photos and the

I'm confused, is the q-tip thing supposed to be making fun of her? Qtips are regularly used to clean gun parts, along with pretty much anything else on this planet that needs cleaning.