Margaret Atwood.
Margaret Atwood.
I’ve never been a fan of KK (no real justifiable reason) but I’ll always defend her performances. She’s a proper actor with a couple of decades of experience and a load of awards and nominations. To dismiss her as a supermodel, in the same breath a celebrating the ‘proper’ acting of Adam Levine? Yeah dude, your…
I like how he puts his arm around *her* in the article’s pic though, not a proper actor like smarmy Levine but good for a feel ew
So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?
I'm sorry. Stop the...whatever you stop in blogging. Did this jaghole just call ADAM LEVINE a proper film actor and KEIRA KNIGHTLEY is not? Those words do not make any sense in that order. No.
It’s fucking tragic that they had to shoot an endangered gorilla and I’m still pretty upset about it, but even my crazy vegan animal loving hippie self realizes that you have to save the life of the 4 year old child here.
2. Then wasn’t there the police report that said there were no signs of abuse that evening
A regular Jezebel.
It’s telling how the woman in her mid-20ies is a homewrecker, while the poor, naive man twice her age and life experience was just an easy mark to exploit and blackmail.
Meh, I don’t like either of them but Amber is young and shouldn’t waste any more of her life and youth on this drunk mess.
It’s a measure of how much antipathy there is towards Amber Heard that nobody has suggested that maybe she gave him an ultimatum about sobering up. Maybe she couldn’t stand by and watch?
Whenever any article about someone includes the words “in an interview with Taki’s Magazine,” you can just stop listening there because what’s coming up next is going to be racist filth. The “magazine” is just a thinly veiled Stormfront wannabe.
You know...if that were true I can see why the divorce filing happened right after his mother’s death. She helped out with the care since Johnny wasn’t doing it, then when his mother passed and she didn’t have to anymore she was like “peace out asshole”.
No, they do, but it’s pretty rare because most lawyers aren’t looking to end their careers in a dumpster fire. I said it’s unlikely, not impossible.
If this shady af PI saw this misconduct in 2008, why is he only piping up 8 years later?
I feel the complete opposite. Something about both of them gives me a vibe of low-key craziness. I feel like you’d start the night doing pedis and drinking sangria and end the night on mescaline neck deep in some weird hippie mudbath situation that Shailene brought up. I’d want to see where it went, is what I’m saying.
It’s the GIF that keeps on giving indeed.