John Drake

Dammit, that was going to be my porn name!

I don’t know if the practice has continued, but Honda used to give their employees time and access to equipment and supplies to work on their own inventions, which would be shown off annually at an Engineer’s Day.

Actually, like many people in America, she wasn’t used to backing up.

How many ounces of gold would that be?

We’re paying for the razor with which they will cut our throat: our tax dollars are being spent to deepen the ports to make it even cheaper to produce the goods they stopped manufacturing in this country.

Thanks Sweetie,

A candidate’s primary goal is to garner enough money to ensure victory, doubly so if they’re an incumbent. Toward that end they spend approximately half of every day in calls and other activities to solicit contributions. Cases such as “Citizens United” and others —as well as a feckless Federal Election Committee—

I’m certain snowcrash has an excellent understanding of how our current political process works. Outsized contributors get outsized access to elected officials and staff and exert outsize influence on law making and governance. To suggest otherwise is absolutely ludicrous.

What you pay to buy a 1 BR condo anywhere else is what New Yorkers pay to buy a parking garage space. The same almost applies for renting.

As Homer Simpson weeps...

No doubt that european chocolatiers and their customers can lay claim to a more refined process and product (though, while I enjoy their wares, I grew up on Hershey’s and it feels like home to me).

I'm amused by all the brits snootily complaining about the quality of American chocolate when it wasn't that many years ago that european countries were up in arms over EU rules that opened the door to British chocolate, which was made with vegetable oil.

Perhaps you were trying to establish your gonzo journalist bona fides with “ripping a little liberal pig away from suckling a money-teat”?

What school of journalism encourages the use of an expression like “more ornery” or condones its use to cast blame on someone who has not been linked to the transgression, particularly when that person has unequivocally apologized for his staffer’s action?

Actually the only thing that started with the simple break-in at the Watergate was a constitutional crisis and the beginning of the end of Nixon’s bloodless coup.

I concur in my confusion.

Admittedly I haven't read the other pieces linked in this article, but I'm a Heyward fan with no objections to Matheny's quoted comments. It seems to me he diplomaticly addressed comments that might otherwise cast a pall on his club without drama, snark, or personal attacks.

Not condoning the use of wingsuits at all, but I enjoy that Ms. Mancion did such bad-assery while wearing a bejeweled crash helmet.

I don’t use DRL’s.

It’s more than annoying when the nearest car behind me is 200 feet back yet its beams are casting a sillhouette of my car onto the traffic sign 200 feet in front of me.