Back then they actually used injections. I remember reading back in the 60's or 70's that the exotic dancer Carol Doda would get a raise each time she got another injection.
Back then they actually used injections. I remember reading back in the 60's or 70's that the exotic dancer Carol Doda would get a raise each time she got another injection.
I wonder if the autopilot system would have still opted to pass that truck if it had caught up to it 15 seconds later. That would have put it abreast of the semi on the far side of the overpass, where it’s almost certain there was an on-ramp.
Honeywell offers a couple of models that you refill by pouring into the top: you can go around the house watering them with a watering can or milk jug instead of pulling out the reservoir, hauling its dripping carcass to the kitchen (or tub), turning it upside down, and holding it in place as it fills (and gets…
Honeywell offers a couple of models that you refill by pouring into the top: you can go around the house watering…
If you search the aforementioned sites you'll find a number of other pics of her in and out of that blue dress (in fact I think if you search her name and "blue dress" you'll hit the motherlode).
Her name is alternately, Anna or Tanya Song and you can find her at tubegalore, xhamster, and myriad other websites of the adult variety.
Right, because all the internal combustion-based infrastructure, and the vehicles that depend upon it, sprung up overnight.
Actually, like many people in America, she wasn’t used to backing up.
How many ounces of gold would that be?
What you pay to buy a 1 BR condo anywhere else is what New Yorkers pay to buy a parking garage space. The same almost applies for renting.
No doubt that european chocolatiers and their customers can lay claim to a more refined process and product (though, while I enjoy their wares, I grew up on Hershey’s and it feels like home to me).
I'm amused by all the brits snootily complaining about the quality of American chocolate when it wasn't that many years ago that european countries were up in arms over EU rules that opened the door to British chocolate, which was made with vegetable oil.
I concur in my confusion.
Admittedly I haven't read the other pieces linked in this article, but I'm a Heyward fan with no objections to Matheny's quoted comments. It seems to me he diplomaticly addressed comments that might otherwise cast a pall on his club without drama, snark, or personal attacks.
I don’t use DRL’s.
That's your argument, name calling? Wow, we're all bowled over by your facts and the power of your persuasion.
“According to John Dickerson of Time magazine, the White House later conceded that they hung the banner but still insists it had been done at the request of the crew members.[10]”
Try to stay focused: when Mr. Obama answers the question as poorly as Mr. Trump did we can discuss him. In the meantime you’re deflecting (which telegraphs your own discomfort with what Mr. Trump said, whether you are willing to admit it or not).
That’s right, journalists informing their audience of a candidates’ shortcomings is just petty high school popularity stuff —much more fun to wait and learn of their deficiencies in realtime when the new president’s incompetence gives us a smoking crater in lower Manhattan, thousands maimed or killed in an…
In one of Carl Sagan’s books he writes of a medieval showman who would have his horse solve a crowd’s mathematics questions by stamping out the answer with his hoof.