
Yeah, get out of here with that. Sure, they’ll be able to recruit/pay a couple black people to be the smiling faces in ads...hell, some of us hate ourselves and our blackness enough that we really believe the GOP’s/white supremacists’ lies and want to stick out as the others (those two bespectacled black women who

The “culture change” argument is hilarious to me. *You’re* the head coach! You instituted the “culture” in the first place!

Boy...this is a hell of a reach. This is the ultimate move-the-goalpost move. You have to be aware that the suit is in response to the blackballing. I know you’re either a troll or a bot but even they must have standards, no? I mean, c’mon! Sheesh!

Disclaimer: The below is not at or about you only, Carlos Danger.

Here and forevermore, the only response we ever need to give any more. Thank you, Ta-nehisi

Couldn’t agree with you more on our first two paragraphs. “...may illustrate the pervasiveness of the cycle of abuse.” Very well said.

Yeah, I came to say the same thing. He was abused as a child so it makes a little more sense that he has distorted views on sex and consent, etc. I read about those Corey Feldman parties on Vice and my first thought was “this is a man who is aching for some semblance of control and that ache comes from a deep place.”

Dammit, Drew. Take a knee, don’t take a knee....please just be consistent!

Please put “in self-defense” in quotation marks. Thanks.

It’s a slow day so let me entertain your folly. By your logic, shall “we” conclude that your support of the police is thorough and has no nuance and thus you are fine with their extrajudicial murder and otherwise disparate treatment of unarmed black men, women, boys and girls?


That the NFL team owners would treat such a talented player like this who’s only “sin” was bringing attention to a real cause, whilst shuffling out black body after black body is as dispiriting as Drew paints it. And now I want to punish the NFL team owners. I want them to know that they can’t blatantly treat people

Man, you only have a handful of stars (because duh) but this.

The irony of Clipper Pierce, Bulls Rondo, Thunder Perkins and Wolves Garnett having this therapy session...

Flip flops!! Lololol

Man, my heart skipped beat when I saw the headline. I thought Bob Ley had gotten canned!

Here’s a half-baked hot take that just dawned on me. Bear with me:

Now, white folk, repeat after me:

The truth in this response, VMB. Yes! And made me come to grips that, as Black folk, we really have no one to turn to. That stifling, choking realization that at the end of the day, even after all one goes through, it’s us against the world, even the things of the world designed to “save.”

Ha! I only figured it out because they were so brazen at the silent auction, even putting up his picture. Had he come back at that point, that shit would’ve been hella awkward. But they KNEW that he wouldn’t return until later because that’s Rose’s job, to keep him occupied.