
Yeah, that’s a really shitty, snarky thing to say.

I have a hunch about this guy. I think he secretly enjoys the power he has in a dependent community, more so than staying out of a sense of service to an under served population.

He likes to stay where he knows, he’s just a little bit smarter than everyone else.

Fine, don’t offer abortions. I get that.

But remind your patients that they have the legal right to one, give them unbiased, factual information, and the name and number of the closest provider that DOES. Then let them choose.

Fine, don’t offer abortions. I get that.

But remind your patients that they have the legal right to one, give them unbiased, factual information, and the name and number of the closest provider that DOES. Then let them choose.

Yeah, the names. UGH.

Had some medical records last month....kid was named Nevaeh Heaven. Yes, first and last name.

Nevaeh is really popular here in Oklahoma...”Heaven” spelled backwards for the blissfully uninformed.

Which kind of sounds like you are summoning Satan, because isn’t that kind of like “Hell”...?

Nailed it. In a hopeless life, what represents hope and a new life more than a baby? Also, for at least a few months, these women/girls feel “special”...nurtured, loved, the center of attention. They feel important.

Then the kid comes out, and all of that is focused on the baby now. Best way to get that feeling again?

I used to be an OB nurse, as well as a paramedic in a rural county in Oklahoma. Biggest shock of my career was realizing that most of these “unplanned” teen pregnancies WERE actually “planned”.

And this bullshit?? “Walters knows that the most reliable prevention is a tubal ligation, known as getting your tubes tied.

We Okies, who have actually seen her in person, feel the comparison to Jack Nicholson’s The Joker is uncanny.

The hell you say. I’m from Oklahoma, and NO ONE here would find Waco quaint or charming. When Oklahoma is snobby, that’s saying a lot. FFS, doesn’t anyone remember David Koresh?!

I took a bad, BAD turn in Dallas one night on my way to Houston, ended up on the wrong I-35. Did not realize it until I hit WACO at 2:30 am.

THIS. Also, these companies have been allowed to come in and destroy our environment. We now have EARTHQUAKES, MOTHER FREAKING EARTHQUAKES, due to fracking. So, we have no money, and the one thing we have always had in our favor since the 1890's....the being raped and pillaged.

The “logic” we hear from our

On behalf of two Oklahoman public school students, one of which was out there with you guys today...thank you, and I am sorry. :-(

Why don’t you, fuck, off? Or at least read up on punctuation before you start spewing.

Sounds like this person had an actual friend who is an Olympian, and followed this year’s games closely.

You, on the other, just sound like a bitter twat and should have had your comment kept in the grey.

This baby and her sweater look like an ad for Fisherman’s Friend lozenges, not cakes.

I loves me some Tudor drama, but the sheer number of scandals and tragedies that befell so many of Victoria’s grandchildren would keep Netflix in business for YEARS.

What about the Romanovs? Empress Elisabeth, those crazy inbred Habsburgs, Mayerling? SO MUCH ANGST. Can’t they work with those too?

Yup! Nailed it.

“So she tends to leave out certain details that are either distressing or sad or don’t reflect well on her parents. Anything having to do with debt or death...”

This is not just an Ingalls/Wilder thing. I come from a long line of pioneers that ended up in Oklahoma. There were things I discovered on both sides on my

I’m an Okie, too. So is Senator Warren. Even the most conservative people here (AND THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM) are pretty forgiving about her assertion of Native American heritage, because EVERY ONE HERE has been told for generations that they are Cherokee, Chickasaw, and/or Choctaw, but “no one can prove it, because

Paralegal here. Contract law is not a thing I work with (I’ve worked in med mal, now doing civil rights), but putting any disagreeable party in a “no win” situation, or at least getting a witness impeached because they are a fucking idiot that can’t keep their lies straight is always a noble goal.

Celebrity “love and respect” divorce statements sound about like Republican “thoughts and prayers” gun violence statements.

Copy and Paste, Copy and Paste....


That was comedy gold.