
Moi aussi. It feels very try hard, and that sort of premeditated effort and self-focus always makes me feel silly. But then, I can't play dress up/role play for sex without feeling like an asshat (I want to get fucked, not an Emmy) so I'm just not cut out for public photoshoots. I don't begrudge others, but not my

nope i think this is more like it...jeebus.

I am a former smoker who used vaping to quit. I think the offensiveness depends on the scent? I worked with a woman who used PANCAKE FLAVORED juice and she'd since at her desk and vape all day long and it made the whole office smell like a damn Waffle House. That wasn't cool. However, there are some really mild,

Yeah, it offends me in the same way cigarettes do. For example, at an all kids event adults walking around with ecigs which look exactly like regular cigs. Also because anyone who thinks they are safe is lying to themselves and, I believe, profoundly naive.

I have a co-worker who will come to your desk with her e-cig, and puff away. I don't really think that's ok. But otherwise, I don't care. Of course I say this as a smoker of actual cigarettes.

I was so happy to hear this last night. For anyone unfamiliar with the case, I can't recommend the Central Park Five documentary highly enough. You can watch it online.

Soccer brings the worst out of people.

I only had Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret to guide me. And boy was I confused when there were no belts involved.

My driver's license lists my weight at about 50 lbs off what it actually is. If I can lie like a very fat dog on my driver's license and the cops would still know who I am, why can't this kid show a little sparkle? Ridic.

Oh, seems like a lot of parents wait way too long to have The Talk (which really should be a long series of dropping small bits of info appropriate to the child's maturity level, in my opinion).

Or you can cut it up more, stick it in tupperware, and it will not dessicate.

Also it would be a good lesson to the children to return something to it's rightful owner if it was wrongfully taken from him/her/them

There's a crazy conception that we hold the media to a higher level of facts and etiquette than we do every day people. Common usage /= correct usage, and the media is supposed to be using the correct usage. Especially since they guide and impact a huge amount of people as to what accepted usage is.

Ahmed answered quietly, as before. "I guess it's me right now," she said.

Alternative headline (not that yours was bad): Awesome Muslim Lady Fucking Schools a Bunch of Shithead Conservative Loons as to How American Political Discourse Is Supposed to Work


You do realize that your German Shepherd is still classified as a "dangerous breed" by many, yes? That German Shepherd were once feared and reviled as pit bull type dogs are now, and still are feared and deemed "dangerous" by many?

Chris Pratt seems delightful and I would appreciate everyone agreeing to my conclusion/not shattering my delusion, thusly.

Damn, Macklin!

Full disclosure: I don't actually wear overalls but I am not ashamed to admit that I regularly wear old, worn in flight suits that I have collected from pilots who are bigger/taller than me. They're so soft, like snuggies but with a hundred zippered pockets for your every need. Plus, they're FREE! And if someone