
My best friend is my eating buddy. We both are so shamelessly obsessed with food and will compete with one another at all-you-can-eat sushi places, and shame the loser who claims they are full. It's a beautiful friendship.

Tess! Love that she wants to dream about doing whatever she wants, flying, and drinking coffee. What 8 year old dreams about drinking coffee? She's clearly going to grow up to be a super smart novelist/philosopher.

Before I married the biggest food vacuum on EARF, I could put away more food than any man I knew. I wasn't especially proud of it, in fact I would often leave a date hungry and go home and make a box of mac and cheese. But now I have a solid eating partner, and we eat hard. We dodge some carbs to keep some of the body

Yeah, I was expected to do my own laundry by the time I could reach the top of the washing machine, so the concept is beyond me as well.

Step 1: "Find someone you would like to bless, It doesn't really matter who they are because you are going to do something nice for them and help them out a lot."

When I call home my mom sometimes puts me on speakerphone and I say hi to Jazzy lol. She starts wagging her tail and jumping around and I can hear her and it always makes my day that she recognizes my voice :)

tiny cal gets a big girl bone in celebration of team dog!

I've spent the last few days sick at home. This is the face that's been watching me during the day, never leaving my side.

I have rheumatoid arthritis, and my dog regularly goes on "sympathy jaunts". If I'm limping, she'll suddenly develop one too. During my most recent bout of strep throat, she refused to eat until I was back on solids. It's weird and a little creepy, but I have no doubts that she would protect me if we wandered into a

When going through cancer treatment, various friends' dogs (and a random iguana) would guard me and whenever I'd get tired or start to not feel good, they'd REALLY guard me, and make sure that people left me alone. Usually by sitting on me, or giving the stink eye to anyone who talked louder than a whisper. My heart

Now playing

h/t: Clayton Cubitt's Hysterical Literature

Being a woman having an orgasm is even more fun

Based on the snow leopard's body language, I'm going to say no. It's far more likely that he's just using the snow leopard to conceal a boner.

Here's Jon Hamm holding a snow leopard, for the greater good:

Oh totally she did. I get pregnant as often as possible just to have an aspiration curretage abortion/pedi/mani.

"He wanted to break me and that's something he couldn't do. Because you can't break someone that's already been broken. You can only make them stronger."

The lily flower is a good namesake for someone who wants to start fresh. Good for her, I'm glad she appears to be on the path to finding peace.

Gosh I am emotional today. I got teary watching this. The part that says, "If I saw it happening, I wouldn't blame her" just really hit me.